marketing Marketing Tips

Anybody got any tips to help drive more traffic to mysite, is there a cost effective way that you have found successfull?
I am using Google Ad words but hasn't brought in any sales.

Any ideas?

Well, for one thing it might be a good idea to put your website address in your signature on here(and any other forums you're on too.). I even went to your profile and couldn't find it anywhere.
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Blogs & Forums (get on as many as you can and participate like crazy, but contribute GOOD worthwhile content to the conversation)
And like Sickmont said, get links and mentions to your brand EVERYWHERE - if there's a place to put it in your profile, put it in there.

Personally, I would skip the AdWords until you know that your site has been optimized as much as it possibly can and then some.

Also, if you haven't already, install Google Analytics on your website and keep track of where your traffic is coming from. You'll quickly see what works and where you need to improve.