• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Mass uprooting

It's been a good five months but the growing season comes to an end on Avalon Street this afternoon. Forty-five tomato plants, one beet (!), a half-dozen eggplants and a few cucumber vines will go to the well earned reward, the compost pile, this afternoon. All that will be left will be pepper plants (in containers) and potatoes that need to be dug.

Hopefully, I'll have enough ripe toms for six quarts of juice, which will give me 90 for the year (not including the two that exploded and the four quarts in a pan that were boiling before being bottled.

The peppers will likely be picked Tuesday or evening, with eight of them getting their hair cut and moving in the basement for the next six months.
