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Matches under Plants?

I just read something that said you can put matches under your pepper plants. It said they like the sulfur. What do you think about it?
I do that. It's an old timey planting out technique that's probably not all that necessary, what with the modern fertilizers containing all the micronutrients, but it's a nice connection to the old ways of doing things. They also used to sprinkle a pinch of Epsom salts in the planting holes.
Well I guess it would help because of the phosphorus. Never tried it myself but have heard of it before.
Just buy a bag of Epsom salts. Then sprinkle a bit in the hole during planting or use it as a foliar spray when the plant gets a little bigger.
by foliar you meann cruse some and put in a spray bottle with some water and spray the plant? about when should this be started?
Put about a tablespoon in a gallon of water and spray when the plants start to flower, or if they're looking pale and not growing well.