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Matt and Chad's (probably) NOT Billyboy Douglah

Douglahs have been hit or miss for me. I got my ass handed to me with Chad's cross on Friday night, but this one was way more mild. I would venture to say somewhere in the realm of a Hab or so, a relatively mild hab. Dont get me wrong, They are supposed to be pretty rough, but a number of factors go into the heat of a chili. One of which is how long it has been out since it has been picked. These were picked 8 days ago, and that may have played into it.


But the taste was clean with a hint of citrus. More subdued than Brian's Douglah, but similar flavor. The texture was a bit springy and easy to bite through. The walls of the chili were and on par with other 7s.

A bit uneventful in the heat department, but a decent taste to make up for it.

Good review.
I believe the word douglah refers to the unique red/brown color, so a red pod really isn't a douglah. Especially one without the proper shape, bumps and without the crazy heat.
It's so cool.
Thanks for the review


That doesnt look much like a douglah.

I agree, in some regards. It has a similar shape, however, it doesnt have the wrinkles. I have tried a number of crosses and other douglahs, that nothing really surprises me anymore. But yes, not what most would expect when the name douglah is thrown around. I probably mispoke in the video, but it was early and I had a :beer: night last night....

Good review.
I believe the word douglah refers to the unique red/brown color, so a red pod really isn't a douglah. Especially one without the proper shape, bumps and without the crazy heat.

Thanks. I am not familiar with the reasons behind the name, so I dont disagree. From what I read a guy named Bent grew this on Australia and Billyboy took cuttings until it stuck. You are correct that it doesnt have the same "look" of most 7s, but it does have a very "familiar" shape and taste to some of the 7s I have ran across. I have a 7 Jonah on the counter and it looks extremely similar to this one and if you look across the forums you will probably see a handful of variations (pimples, wrinkles, shape, etc). I think this just goes to show that you really cant expect consistency over many seasons of OP plants. Sometimes you get what you expect, sometimes not so much.

Also with the heat it could have been a bunch of different things. I couldnt really give you an answer as to why it isnt hot. So far the only douglah that has had that horrible heat and battery acid taste has been the cross from Chad (that also happened to be red). I have yet to have a brown/typical colored pod that tastes like that and has the heat to match.

Thanks. I am not familiar with the reasons behind the name, so I dont disagree. From what I read a guy named Bent grew this on Australia and Billyboy took cuttings until it stuck. You are correct that it doesnt have the same "look" of most 7s, but it does have a very "familiar" shape and taste to some of the 7s I have ran across. I have a 7 Jonah on the counter and it looks extremely similar to this one and if you look across the forums you will probably see a handful of variations (pimples, wrinkles, shape, etc). I think this just goes to show that you really cant expect consistency over many seasons of OP plants. Sometimes you get what you expect, sometimes not so much.
1. I know both of them and never seen this "red, non-pimpley, not-so-hot Douglah".
2. 7-Pot Jonah is pimpley.
Alright, not gonna get into a pissing match with everyone. I got a box of marked chilis. Sorry if I offend anyone with mis-naming. I am going with the information given.


From what I read a guy named Bent grew this on Australia and Billyboy took cuttings until it stuck.

And Bent like several members here got the seeds directly from Sara in Trinidad 4 or 5 years ago. It looks like billyboy's version got crossed with an unknown
Alright, not gonna get into a pissing match with everyone. I got a box of marked chilis. Sorry if I offend anyone with mis-naming. I am going with the information given.

Wasn't trying to be rude. sorry.
Was just trying to pass on the information I've got.

And Bent like several members here got the seeds directly from Sara in Trinidad 4 or 5 years ago. It looks like billyboy's version got crossed with an unknown
If my memory serves me right, he didn't. he got the seeds from someone who got the seeds from Sara. :lol:
There was a whole thing with how he only had 1 seed, but it germinated and produced pods with many other seeds. :D
Wow! Looks like I opened up a can of worms here! :rofl: I had to search for it before I ate it to try to get some info. I read through PRF's log from a few years ago and read his and billyboy's discussion so that is all I know about it. From the pics, it looks similar to Cappy's but yes, Cappy's is more textured and the color is more brownish.


So there is an obvious diversion from what was grown by him a few years back and what I tried earlier today. I am not 100% on where Chad got the seeds, but needless to say, they are different than what you are familiar with.

I am not upset, I just dont wanna step on anyone's toes or call an orange a lemon. I enjoy reviewing the chilis and will adjust in the future. I just owe it to the grower to take what he says into consideration, as well as the forum to give you guys accurate (or as accurate as I can) info.
It looks like a Caribbean Red Hab to me. Wait a minute...is a Caribbean Red really a Hab or something else? :lol: JK!

Good review MGOLD86.
Matt the review as allways is spot on and informative,

I will defer to those with greater knowledge as the seeds were purchased off ebay, yes I know get what you pay for but I hadnt seen them offered anywhere. I was dubious off the pod shape at first but many of the available pics out there arent that clear as to the detail. I dont have an intention of misleading anybody and my seeds and pods are given away not sold. If it is the consensus of those in the know that these are not true to form I shall stop calling them Billyboys. Seeds and pods will still go out to those promised as they are a tasty pod. I think Matt has a greater heat tolerance than me as I would put them at a 6 or 7.

Sorry to all for causing confusion and debate, especially to you Matt, as you said you were just going off what you were told and did another great review.

Have a good one,

I agree and it probably even wasn't a pure Douglah when I grew it out. Got crossed up somewhere along the way and I had to back track to get this strain going again for me and got some of Novacastrian Douglah the he got from Bent. Bent got the original single Douglah seed from Bowhunter and I got the origiinal Brian Strain seed from Bowhunter who got these seeds from SR. Pretty red hot chili pepper. :lol: You're all good mgold86 enjoyed the video keep them coming.
So we definitely brought all the Heavyweights out of the woodwork on this one :lol:

Thanks again for all the input, I will keep the vids coming. If you see anything that seems a bit "off" let me know and I will definitely try to get to the bottom of it. Like I said, I owe it to the grower to give him a fair shake, as well as the forum so I am not selling you guys a load of BS.

Thanks again all.
If my memory serves me right, he didn't. he got the seeds from someone who got the seeds from Sara. :lol:
There was a whole thing with how he only had 1 seed, but it germinated and produced pods with many other seeds. :D
I don't remember the whole story but I'm quite sure Bent recieved his original seeds like us, from Sara when she first became a member here. He was apparently the first Aussie to grow them.
Wow- Myth & legend LOL

So I got my 1 seed, not from Sara, but I swore to secrecy (& have stuck to it)

BB took cuttings from my plant & also got seeds from Sara. He said they were different (if only slightly)

The seeds from BB's cuttings got to Neil (THSC), Nova & myself. If you can trace your plant back to one of us, then you have what is being called the Alphanerdz-Douglah (just so we can keep a track)

Hope that clears a few things up :)
I got seeds from Sara, then quebecfire, and Cmpman and they all grow the same for me, probably since trhey were all originally from Sara. Did this other "secret source" get their seeds from Sara too? If not that would explain why there appears to be at least two different versions of Douglahs going around these days
I got seeds from Sara, then quebecfire, and Cmpman and they all grow the same for me, probably since trhey were all originally from Sara. Did this other "secret source" get their seeds from Sara too? If not that would explain why there appears to be at least two different versions of Douglahs going around these days
I believe the other originated from pappywith4 who distributed his brown Trinidad chile as Douglah for a quite a while. it didn't look like Douglah. Bent's look like Sara's.