Well Pal, since you asked..
That site needs some work, especially if you don't have time for questions.. The varieties are nice, but many lack any description at all. You claim to be short of time, but you've advertised on this platform three times now since you launched. How much time should a person have to spend cross-referencing your labels and researching, trying to figure out what you are offering? How much time does it take to type out a basic description? If I didn't know you from around here.. Hadn't benefited from your participation around here.. I would have been out of there after the second description-lacking entry, because I also value my time.
What I did order arrived on time, and looked okay. I have no doubts they are good seed, due to past experiences with your stock.
Curious as to what kind of tape you are using for the shipping labels, as they come off the package nicely, but only when you want them too.. I'd stick with that, as it makes them easy to reuse. Definitely knowledge that would be beneficial, shared around the community.
FTR, I didn't want to leave you a bad review, but your communication habits and professionalism is something that is already hurting you, whether you realize it or not.. Maybe this has just become normalized in the pepper communities, because I've had the same with some other vendors.. You are one of the few who will probably hear about it, because you asked.. Others just won't see any more traffic from me.
As a customer, I might be needy at times, but I'm also loyal, to a fault.. When I feel I'm backing good business and someone who isn't just around to collect from their online bubblegum machine. If I get the impression someone doesn't care about their business, I won't either.
It's a nice start, and only wish you the best.