Melissa77754 is still grows

For those the remember. She kicks arse growing. Wanted to just show you she still knows how to kick arse

MoAs. Orange daisy cutters. Brown morougas. Bhut orange Copanhagen 7 pot lavas. And evergreens.



Already flowering

I also had a chance to give her some of Shawn's (pepperproblem) plants. And these are two of the 6 plants she has growing


So for those that know about her she's still a great grower but is just low profile.
SL3 said:
What are those pots she is using? They almost look more plastic than fabric.
 Those are grow bags made out of polypropylene and are white or black and come in plenty of sizes. I use the one gallon size until mine are ready to transplant in 5-7 gallon root pouches. A 5 gallon is only $.30 at my local grow and I can get 100 one gallon bags for $25.00 so they are really cheap. Look
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Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
 Those are grow bags made out of polypropylene and are white or black and come in plenty of sizes. I use the one gallon size until mine are ready to transplant in 5-7 gallon root pouches. A 5 gallon is only $.30 at my local grow and I can get 100 one gallon bags for $25.00 so they are really cheap. Look
Those bags are cool. I was thinking about switching to them next summer.  Thanks for the link.  How durable are they? :dance:
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
They will last one grow season and there as sturdy as the Black and White panda film I think that is what there made from. Can't beat Cheap and durable.
Okay sweet.  