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Mexican Love Fire

So I ended up with a sauce for consumption in the near future, it wasn't planned but this is how it happened:

I was overcome with the desire for tacos so I started with the following:

1/2 a large onion diced
4 cloves of garlic roughly chopped
1 large can of tomato puree
1 jalapeno (all my plant can spare right now)
Cilantro to taste
~ 1 lb section of brisket (cut from a larger piece)

I sauteed the onions in olive oil til translucent then added the garlic for a few minutes then added the tomato puree and a can worth of water followed by some cilantro and a diced jalapeno and brought to a simmer for ~30 mins. Then I placed the piece of brisket in the crock pot, ladled in sauce to cover and cooked it all day long.

After the brisket was done and enjoyed I threw about 40 dried de Arbols in the remaining sauce and let cook for an additional 3 hours or so on low. Everything into the blender whiz whiz and Mexican Love Fire was born. More love than fire but I have to label things so my roommates know to stay away as they can't take the heat. Sorry I don't have pics, might be able to grab the camera and snap a pic tomorrow as the color is great.

I posted this here because though we went via cooking we ended up at sauce. If anyone ever finds themselves with extra cooking sauce I highly recommend the add peppers, cook, blend method. Let me know what you think or if anyone has done something similar.
Oh yeah of course, hence my introduction of "for use in the near future" for me that constitutes the coming week. Now some day when I get a nice pressure canner I would love to make a sauce like this and can up some cubed stew cut beef and save this stuff for when I feel lazy but want something tasty.