• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Mimosa Pudica in Australia?

Hi all!

I remembered the other day, in the UK my mum used to have what she called a 'sensitive plant', which i've just remembered to Google and found out it's proper name is Mimosa Pudica.
I thought it would be a great plant to show the kids etc, but i can't seem to find seeds on ebay in Australia, and knowing how strict they are here i'm not sure if they are classed as a pest and not permitted here.
Does anyone here in Australia know anything..or have one of these?

**edit Ahh, after a little more Google search i *think* that i'm fine to grow them in VIC, but WA has a problem with these. If anyone can confirm? Also, if they are ok to grow in VIC, does anyone on here have any seeds for sale?

Thanks :)
i have some seeds. Not the easiest plant to germinate though (I suggest pre soaking them) . maybe 50% germ rate... Not sure if all Mimosa' s are like that or not....

PM me if interested