Minimum requirements

this one may be for the labcoat cultivators. Regarding the questions surrounding open pollinated plants/crops. I have done a little research and one of my queries produced an answer something like this. In order to eliminate open air and reduce dramaticaly insect related cross polination, the minimum distance between crops should be 600 yds minimum. Now I dont know about anyone else here, but I dont have 600yds of property period.
in regards to pollination in and of itself, is the female flower or parts of the flower in plants that are both (and I beleive nightshade plants are) receptive to only the first pollination to occure or any and all that occure within a specific time fame?
elaborate please.
newbie  and dont have knowledge of terms and procedures and or tools of the trade, sts.
Simple answer; If you want to protect the integrity of you crop's seed, you have to isolate them completely.
How? Considering you don't have the land to geographically isolate your plants, you have a few options.
1.) Monoculture - Only grow one variety
2.) Cover your plants with insect resistant mesh, or use separate green houses
P.S. If you go the monoculture route, you'll have to kill all your neighbours who grow peppers too.  :dance:
thank you Green Tea 
great answer. but I assume you meant kill all your neighbors pepper crops and not the neighbors specific.
anyone care to address the second question?
depending on the answers there may be significate relevance to the first.
HP22BH said:
great answer. but I assume you meant kill all your neighbors pepper crops and not the neighbors specific.
Ummmm...... why yes..... That IS what I meant to say.
  :hell:  :flamethrower:  :mouthonfire:
SanPatricio said:
The SEARCH function in the upper right of the  THP HOME page is a GREAT resource  :dance: ...
Example >>>>>
True, in some cases. however, I have found the search function in many cases is a waste of time and asking the specific question in a new topic will produce the answers more specifically related to the question at hand. further, IMO, forums are for interaction as well as info. Everyone who has replied could have made reference to the search funtion but instead offered their opinions and helping hand. I know from the replies who may be willing to provide answers and advice in the future, if not through the forum then maybe through chat, IM or even email. it is sometimes how great internet friendships are created.  Just my opinion.
I respect your opinion and did not intend to sound like a Prik Knee Nuu Suan.   I think you will find that THP is different from many other forum sites..  
The depth and quality of knowledge in the archives of THP is VAST.
Personally, I have found MUCH more in the archives here ( though I often wander on a tangent from my original search because I find such great info). 
Many of the  (IMHO) experts  no longer waste their time posting answers to repeated questions. However, their knowledge, experience and opinions (which I value) are in the archives.   
   In a perfect world we can use both. I don't think SanPatricio intended to insult you. I think he was just offering you another option. I do however agree that you can get a more direct answer if you ask the question in an open forum. The search feature becomes more effective if you have a general question, that has likely been answered in depth multiple times. The great thing about THP is that everyone is friendly and you can usually get an answer even if it has been asked a thousand times. Just my humble opinion.
If you really want to be sure of the pedigree you can hand pollinate before the flower opens. Cut off the petals of the closed flower and move the pollen from the anthers to the stigmas. You may also have to cut away one or more anthers to reach the stigmas but maybe not, should be obvious once you have the petals off. Just to make extra sure, you can then enclose the flower in a plastic bag until it shows signs of fruit formation.
This kind of hardcore breeding is really only justified if you are trying to engage in a selective breeding program or if you are intending to sell seeds for big $ of your "new world's hottest" pepper, or if you are doing scientific research on inheritance or genotype-phenotype mapping or some such.
 I meant no ills toward San Patricio and my intention was not to (put anyone in there place) as it may have appeared I was doing. addressing such issues with tact is at most times difficult at best.
I had seen a similar post making reference to the search box in my recent inquiries. I dont reall if they were my posts or someone elses or if the reference to the search box was from San Patricio or not. It dont matter really.
I have participated in forums in the past where there was much disdain for posting prior to conducting a search. I never agreed with it but, I neither owned the site or moderated it. And I dont frequent it any longer either.
I hope my previous respose did not bruise any feelings to the point that I will not see their names in my topics in the future, everyone has something to offer as an opinion or a fact, always.
SciurusDoomus said:
Great bags. This is how I am using them. Tap the bag every now and then to shake the pollen around in the flowers.