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mixed seeds from ajijoe....

Still too early to tell but heres some flower and hopefully a pod shots from the first ajijoe mix....


One per node.... white with purple borders and internal flower parts.... slight purpling at the nodes and on some of the flower stems.... buds are bigger than white hab buds and smaller than santa fe grande buds, if that helps out any.... plant height can't be taken into account, most of my plants are either stunted or were accidentally topped through overwatering/underwatering/chemica l and oil burns and possible mite damage....

And this one.... plants look slmost identical, flowers are similar but not as much purple if I remember.... and uts hard to tell from pics but I think this second one is a darker green....
Figured ajijoe would have chimed in with ideas since he grew them.... I'll be posting pics throughout. ...
The first plant, the pods arent getting bigger as fast as the second one....
rhm3769 said:
Figured ajijoe would have chimed in with ideas since he grew them.... I'll be posting pics throughout. ...
The first plant, the pods arent getting bigger as fast as the second one....
sorry man were gonna have to wait a little longer, sorry i didnt chime in sooner been busy with orders and getting things ready for vacation
there are so many species in that mix that i cannot remember them all anymore, the mix is a cumination of discards since 2009, so you can imagine how many species are in there
stay in touch
thanks your friend Joe



Same order as the above pictures.... this third one, it isn't clear but its more brown than the purple it appears at....
Thinking more that the black ones are either sunburn or they're sensitive to it as the shaded areas are still a dark green....
So still no signs of ripening on these.... figured since the ones from the first two pics that were picked started changing color, the ones outside would start changing soon.... nope.... the first pic looks to be ripening to a red, the second to either a yellow or an orange and no idea on the third yet.... any ideas yet?

Its the middle one, sun turns them black, then it fades as they turn dark orange.... some sort of pequin? Ive only seen dried pequins, but it is what I imagined them to look like fresh.... mostly white flower with purple outer edges....
The plant itself doesn't look like the one from seed from a dried pod, though. ...
wish i could help but what can be said is for the most part these are mostlt Ornamentals
thats not always a bad thing some are actually preatty good
thanks your friend Joe
Pretty in Purple, Peruvian Purple, or NewMex Centennial are my guess. I'm leaning towards Pretty in Purple, as the leaves don't have as much purple/dark color to it as a few other varieties. Hopes this helps!