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Monster $2.50 Hab Plant!

So was at the local hippy grocery store today, and noticed they had some plant starts. On the way out, I notice some HUGE assed pepper plants. I figured at the size these things were, it didn't matter what kind of pepper it was, it'd be worth $2.50...

The tag says "habanero plant," and it looks chinense enough to me, I bought one. Now to figure out where the hell to plant it in the garden, so it won't stomp on the rest of my starts!


That's the pride and joy of the household (besides the garden) that plant's sittin on. It's a 60's Stromberg Carlson record console that someone had converted into a full bar. Has a liquor stash where the records used to go, pull out glass racks where the right speaker used to be, and a sink where the record player used to sit

Too drunk to be posting, many beers imbibed, and whiskeys shot during the celebration pof said purchase!
I don't know what I'm impressed more with FiveStar, the $2.50 plant or the custom bar. Thanks for showing them both off.
Thanks guys... Love my bar, and this hot weather has me livin the high life!

It was all I could do not to buy every plant they had for the price. There's already a ton of buts at the split and on the branches. Now I just gotta decide whether to pick them off or let them stay. I thought someone was stealin AJ's plants and sellin them in NC!
you sportin' the high life!?! I had some earlier tonight at my buddies...had to give the last one to the neighbors dog on the way to buy other beer!

just f-in with you love the plant and the minibar!
UPDATE: Plunked said monster start into a nice big pot (somewhere between 5 and 7 gallons I believe) nestled in Pro-Mix BX, with a couple of scoops of garden soil in the bottom for drainage. This one's started so big, I figured it might make a nice bonchi if the stem gets big and funky. If not, may overwinter if it's a good producer.

I'm stoked! Rest of my plants have only to finish hardening off, and they'll be in the garden!