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More Doom from Waywright

So I got my own box of danger in the mail today- I could actually smell the hot coming out of the box. Since I am in Canada it took a bit long to arrive but only 2 pods were in less-than-decent shape. I am going to be trying as many as I can, saving seeds from all of them, and making a few choice youtube videos, after that any remaining pods will be dried for winter heat.


A BIG thanks to Waywright- I have been eating my habanero harvest lately and hit the ceiling as far as heat, there was no way to put it over the edge like my first several habs did, so this should fix that RIGHT up.

I will post my videos in this thread to keep things from getting cluttered (unless that is not the proper way to do this kind of thing)

I am going to be trying the first taste in around 6 hours, any suggestions as to which should go first??
woa nice pods enjoy :)

Either what looks like a nice big Yellow 7 pot or the TS Morouga Red in the lower right hand corner(if that is what it is)should set you off to a good start :dance:
Good luck they look hot

(edit for spelling)
Great to see the pods made it safely to you Carl! :dance: :woohoo: :dance:

Try and eat the large Yellow 7Pods first, as those will be the ones to likely spoil first, and they have a great taste to them.

Then you might try the Yellow Bhuts...

...and after that you'll find yourself in uncharted territory heatwise, since they will just continue to get hotter and hotter.

Good luck with those and definitely lookin' forward to your video encounters with those Heat Beasts! :lol: :rofl: :cool:

And another thanks to Wayright for generously lightin' up the Great White North with those thermonuclear heat packages.

Oh hellz yea! :onfire:
Im glad they finally got up there to ya Carl!
Having only a couple of bad ones after this long is a good ratio!
I figured them to all be mush!

I agree with Doug that the yellows will give you a good start for the other much hotter ones!!
Or ,,just jump in head first! and take on a Douglah or an Assam bhut!! :mouthonfire:

I cant wait to hear your take on the different types !

The pods that went funky, they didn't turn completely bad, one yellow Bhut and one Yellow 7- parts of them went bad but I would say almost 3/4 of each pod are still good enough to at least get a taste, nice and firm and pure colouration . Thankfully they are the ones I got the most of- I left them out of the pic- the one yellow 7 in the pic is just getting mushy at the top so I might have to go at that one first. I still have a funny feeling that when Go Time comes tonight around 7, it will be in the form of one of them Assam Bhuts, Butch Ts or Douglahs tho...

Whatever the case, a thanks to Doug for the legwork and another huge thank you to Kev for the actual goods- I promise I will try not to swear in the video- also I have a few buddies who are eager to check out a few pods, and one of them has an HD camera so we should have some slick evidence of the event...
Yeah that is totally the case- I have had stuff like CDs etc show up months after being shipped. The Labour Day holiday and 9-11 probably also didn't help the smooth transport of the peppers. To be quite honest, the fearful part of me was hoping that I would not be able to eat them, and thus would have several months to prepare while I waited to start the seeds and harvest the peppers next year haha
You are indeed in store for some awesome pain :mouthonfire: . I agree with Doug. Start with the yellow's and work your way to the reds. They all are gonna make them habs seem like a bell pepper. Can't wait to see some reviews :dance:
Okay, still working on getting the video up. At the insistence of my awesome girl, I tried what I am pretty sure was a chocolate Bhut first and it KICKED MY ASS. I couldn't get much video at all as it was really seriously wiping me right out, but what little I got I will share (I think I managed 5-6 minutes of the first 10). I didn't freak out or anything, the heat just erased my ability to say much of anything for a good bit...

I figured I knew what to expect, but holy crow that was freakin madness. Guess I gotta steel up for round two. Video soon to follow :D
Nice work on trying your first SuperHot Carl!

They are quite a step up from eating a habbie.

And i know what you mean by becoming slightly muted when the intense heat overtakes ya and it is all you can do to maintain some semblance of composure, especially whaen a normal person's reaction would be to jump up and down flapping their arms, trying to put out some immaginary fire...

...but in this case that fire is all too real. :mouthonfire: :onfire: :hell: :crazy: :beer:

Lookin' forward to seeing your video footage of the event! :cool:

Well Waywright said some folks might like this video, so here it is. I noted in my video description that it is in fact a Chocolate 7-pot, as Kevin confirmed.

I think I drank one beer too many beforehand and it helped the damn thing to utterly destroy my soul. Oddest part, the actual burn died down a lot quicker than I expected, thanks the gods haha
I am definitely going to try to eat another one or two, not to worry, next time I will just prepare myself better...
Excellent video Carl! :onfire:
I know you said it destroyed ya,, but in the vid you look very happy,
almost in amazement! I normally dont see folks smiling when eating a super!!! :cool:
I agree that before the intense heat hits ya,,It is a very nice tasting pepper!
Great review man!! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! :dance:

Excellent review. You handled it extremely to well. I was in much more pain the first time I had a Super. So bring on the Butch T. Can't wait to see ya review that bad boy! :dance:
good one. I love how some people handle pain with a smile. Amazing how you see the deep breath and almost see the endorphins get released....the eyes seeming to glaze over a little....the distant stare. Love it.
For your first attempt at a Super hot, you handled it amazingly well.

Though you admitted you were hurting, you didn't show a lot of outward signs of that fact.

Eating those supers can be so all consuming that it's hard to think, let alone talk or express anything complex or to even be all that artriculate.

But for your first time with one of these you really held it together well! :cool:

Great video, man. Looks like you handled that really well. Perhaps you've found a solution for those really cold Canadian nights? :onfire: