seeds mother nature and germination - surprise surprise

Hi All,
A simple question:
How many of you use jiffy pellets, or little plastic pots (or whatever) and sow more than one seed in each?
If that's you, read on...
You wait for the prescribed period, but only one seedling. Oh well, tough luck you think.
Since you couldn't be bothered risking root damage, you take off the netting and pot the whole pellet into the next size container.
Then, some 12 - 16 weeks later (or even more), mother nature throws you a surprise and more of the seeds germinate, just when you *least* expected it.
Is that a somewhat common thing or a blessing in disguise ?
I love it - it might be trivial in the grand scheme of things, but it puts a bigger smile on my face than my morning coffee.
PS - It's happened to me for Barrackpore 7 Pot and Mustard Habanero. I also have something coming up with a TS Morouga, and I can guarantee it has *never* been anywhere near any other plant that could drop seeds, and something else is coming up that is such a dark purple it borders on black. Yes, it looks exactly like any other chilli seedling so I'm keeping a close eye to find out what on earth it is !
Yup, happened to me before. :)
If I dont have many seeds esp. I only use one seed. I also prefer the rapid rooters of Jiffys. I find they germinate better for me and at a faster time it seems.
Yes, I use Jiffy pellets, sowing 2 seeds per pellet.  When one seedling appears, I remove the netting, break it in half, plant the seedling, and then return the other half of the pellet to it's original place, hoping the remaining seed will sprout.