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I got back from hols yesterday and while I haven't had much time to check out the yard, I did see a few pods with the hole drilled in them again also a few plants with shriveled leaves. I noticed theres a lot of small brown moths in amongst them. Is this a result of the mysterious hole driller?
Man probly just fruit fly I'm starting to see some...how much rain have we had its rediculious... almost rained somuch I'MM starting toworry about wet feet lol didn't see that coming lol
Grass is so overgrown here I can't see half my plants lol. Wonder whats going to show up when this blows over & the humidity kicks in :shocked: Bug Heaven
I don't care about the plants... what about me, I love this weather its gonna get hot and humid and I'm gonna die in that little kitchen at the shoplol
then I'm gonna go to haggis chilli festivaland its gonna be 42 degrees in the shade .. I love summer.
Don't care about the plants :shocked:
Now thats just crazy talk.
After hammering Google it could be any of a hundred fruit destroying brown moths. I'm betting its the heliothis moth but will trap one tomorrow and have a closer look. But what happened to all my skinks, lizards & geckos, thought they'd be inviting all there mates over for a feed?
The pyrethrum obviously isn't working on the little vermin, wonder what hideous chemical I'll have to use.
Let's try contrasting this:

bentalphanerd said:
But what happened to all my skinks, lizards & geckos

with this:

The pyrethrum obviously isn't working on the little vermin, wonder what hideous chemical I'll have to use.

You aren't pesticiding the lizards out of the garden, are you?
pyrethrum isn't supposed to affect them at all. Probably has something to do with all the crazy weather we've been having.
I'll get some neem oil tomorrow - thanks stillmanz.
Neem is a natural oil which is effective against many pests. It is mixed with water and sprayed on the plant. The critters dislike the taste and the eggs get suffocated in the oil but too much accumulation can cause a magnifying affect and burn the plants.
I spray once a fortnight but never full strength. I don't get aphids or meeli or fruit fly.. I still get grasshop[pers ( A guy told me neem actually will make many insects infertile or at least incapable of producing viable fry).. They say pregnant women should not go near it either which would make sense if trhats true.
You can get one brand with a moderate potassium foliar nuit in it from the hydro shops. Neemtech I think its called thats what I use.
Yeah, the Neem is good stuff, it plays up on my asthma though, even though its supposed to be user friendly, its also really stinky!
it sure is stinky the missus can't stand it.. I kind of like the smell like infused linseed oil... you'll know what we mean if you get some.
Well it stopped raining yesterday afternoon & found the damage wasn't as bad as I'd thought. There are millions of moths all through the overgrown lawn but I think most will become compost when I drag the mower out :twisted:.
Seems all my reptilian friends had moved indoors out of the weather, I'll be doing a catch & release after I cut the grass.
The hole driller seemed to only get to a few plants, I picked up a 250ml bottle of 85% neem...says it will make 50 litres of spray :shocked:
Of course its just started to rain again :lol: I was sooo looking forward to mowing in this 35C/70%humidity too.
Obviously the universe is telling me to have a cold beer:cool:
Heh, I was reaching for some seeds that were in the envelope when I discovered this fellow. I suspect Zoe knows something about it, I'm forever rescuing lizards from her.


He has joined his buddies in the hoop house.
Aww ain't they cute.
Big enough to eat moths,bugs and roaches, too small to BBQ.

The little rain turned into an all out thunder & lightning bash right overhead. Great show. Temp dropped 15 C in the last hour, but now it's too wet to mow. I'm going to have to get logging permission soon.

Speaking of moths...
Back in the 50s and 60s, there was an Israeli car, but it had one problem.
Apparently it was edible to moths. :lol:
They'll deny it, but trust me, not one our success stories. ;)