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Moving my first plants outdoors


eXtreme Business
Since I will only be in the apartment for a couple more months, over the last couple days, I decided to put all my Reapers in pots/buckets outside in the bushes in front of my door. They seem to be taking to the sun pretty well thus far, especially since the area I put them in faces southeast, so they get a good chunk of the morning sun, and after about 2:30 or so every day, they get partial shade. Here's pics...





Assuming I don't get put through the ringer by the apartment manager for having these guys outside by the bushes (even though I asked her ahead of time to put "a couple" and she said OK, and even if they're surrounding my apartment only), I'll put my yellow Brain Strains and White 7Pots out there once they sprout and get their first true leaves...
Update: And as you folks can see from the pics above, upon coming back from seeing Despicable Me 2 (great movie BTW), several of them were bending over, from being too leggy and the fact it was raining, so I put the ones that were bending over between a pair of bamboo skewers, as I did for the first ones, which I'll keep for a day, since it's done the trick before :)
  Looks like you're off and running. A little late start, but you can get away with that where you are. What are you planning on doing with all that heat?
peppernovice said:
  Looks like you're off and running. A little late start, but you can get away with that where you are. What are you planning on doing with all that heat?
Well, in south Florida, we can grow pretty much year-round. It rarely gets cold enough to do anything to the peppers. 
Update: Two of them didn't take to the outdoors (guess they were spoiled to being indoors under CFL's all the time). So the two HP22B's that didn't make it, I replaced with the 2 White 7Pots I managed to sprout in the last few days. Those sprouts were already out in their tray for the last two days and haven't flinched a bit in the heat, so they should do well. The tallest HP22B is doing quite well actually. Ironically, I thought it'd be the first to go, but it seems to be doing OK, and new leaves are even starting to come in. I still have one or two that are on the fence as far as hardening them off for the outdoors, but if they don't make it, I have some Yellow Brain Strains on deck in the germination tray out doors on deck, just in case. I also got myself several more Home Depot 5-gallon buckets and soil to use in the very near future.