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seeds Moving seedlings

Alright, I got this bad boy here to start some seeds in:


I'm gonna get a heat mat to put underneath and I'll be using jiffy pellets to start the seeds.

Now the thing is, I'm not going to go all out this year and buy lighting (that will happen next year when I have more of an idea what I'm doing) so my question is: what's the next best course of action? Leave the seedlings out in some indirect sunlight until they get a bit bigger and are ready to be planted in pots? And once they break surface, that's when I remove them from the box, right?
You really should get some lights but i guess if you could find a window that gets some light it might do until you can get them outside.
I might be doing this wrong but it is working for me, as soon as the sprout and the cotyledon's (spelling) are open i will put outside for a day or two get used to humidity and wind then i will gradually move them to sun, I dont like them under lid too long doesnt get any fresh air and will wilt if under dome too long. the question of how much light and that i dont know of exact answer but use best judgement of how much exposure I'm Impatient soo sometimes i might give too much sun to early which seems to stunt the plant. idk i've been wanting to ask the same question glad you did, hope someone should chime in a few. good luck! actually it looks like that dome has air vents
A window should be fine but just prepare to have leggy plants and bury them deep when potting up. Also, remove the dome as soon as all your seeds sprout
kylestl said:
You really should get some lights but i guess if you could find a window that gets some light it might do until you can get them outside.

Don't get me wrong, I do want to get lights, but have decided to keep things simple for my first time growing. My aim is to end up with 4-6 plants only.

Noshownate said:
I might be doing this wrong but it is working for me, as soon as the sprout and the cotyledon's (spelling) are open i will put outside for a day or two get used to humidity and wind then i will gradually move them to sun, I dont like them under lid too long doesnt get any fresh air and will wilt if under dome too long. the question of how much light and that i dont know of exact answer but use best judgement of how much exposure I'm Impatient soo sometimes i might give too much sun to early which seems to stunt the plant. idk i've been wanting to ask the same question glad you did, hope someone should chime in a few. good luck! actually it looks like that dome has air vents

Haha.. I nearly didn't ask the question myself (I was thinking, They're gonna think I'm stupid or something!).

Yeah, I figure if I sprout from Jiffy pellets, I can take em out as they come.

I'll be using as many jiffy pellets as I can fit in there. Hopefully a decent amount will sprout and that will give me a chance to play around with the seedlings and see what works best (some inside near the window, some outside in the shade, etc). I will select the best 4-6 plants to keep.

A window should be fine but just prepare to have leggy plants and bury them deep when potting up. Also, remove the dome as soon as all your seeds sprout

Cheers! Will keep that in mind.
You Assies are just getting into your growing season aren't you gasificada? If that's the case then I think you'll be fine without lights for the time being. My only concern would be giving them too much sun after they sprout. I've put some of my seedlings out in direct sunlight and have burned the seed leaves pretty good. I'm not even in a hot area compared to Australia. Indirect sunlight, especially during the peak hours, would probably be best until they get a little bigger.
Gasificada, I can tell you ever since I buit my simple 4' flourecent light setup it has made it much easier for me. I just keep them out in the back porch under the lights untill they are about 4 inches then try to get them used to the sun by putting them in partial sun or shade daily. I have burnt up a few plants trying to give them too much sun too fast. Even the simplest light setup will make life much easier during the seedling stage IMO.
I started my seeds almost like yours, but grew them under a CFL light until about 3-4" tall and then put them in a closet with a 400 MH until they where about 12" tall. Since I started mine about 3 months late the large light made them grow very fast.
Hmm, sounds like a light set-up is definitely the way to go!

At the moment, there's just so much to take in... I was thinking about keeping things as simple as possible until I have half a clue about what I'm doing, Haha. But I think at the very least now, I'll keep my eyes peeled for a small fluro light. Just out of curiosity though, what exactly am I looking for? Would something like this do the job for now (for about 4 plants):


I'm pretty sure Mum has one lying around at her place. And what type of light/tube am I looking for?

Thanks guys!
gasificada said:
Hmm, sounds like a light set-up is definitely the way to go!

Well I'm definatly no expert on this, but it definatly made it easier for me to bring my seedlings up to size rather than messing with full sun too early. The sun is very intense here where I live may be different at your location though. As far as not having a clue, before I found this forum I was greener than my plants. This community has vastly improved my knowledge and growing experiance. In no time you will feel like a professional gardner with the help of all the experts here ;)

BTW I'm using Phillips Plant & Aquarium bulbs which seem to work great.

Good luck!
Like FTB said, you've got to start somewhere. Yes I'm sure the sun's intensity is VASTLY different in your neck of the woods especially compared to my northern location. Lucky bastards! :lol:

Yes the floro light will work for getting seedling started. I'm using a bunch of the 4' dual bulb ones right now. They were sold as shop lights and were really cheap because they didn't have any wires. I put a cheap 5' extension cord on it and can plug it in to any outlet. It's REALLY easy to do and saves some money over the already set up version.

As for the bulbs, look for ones with the full light spectrum. They'll have 6500K stamped on it near one of the ends or on the wrapper/box. GE calls them Sunsticks I believe, but more than one manufacture makes them.