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Mulato isleno

My islenos are growing up pretty quick these two are about 2 1/2 weeks no luck with the carolina reapers yet!
Nice.  I started a variety of seeds about a month ago.  My mulato islenos were the first to sprout and are now the biggest.  I had trouble getting the super-hots (naga vipers, bhuts and Butch T's) to germinate, but they came up eventually.
Mulato Islano is a great pepper for smoking and using in blends for powders and rubs.
Try Chilhaucle Negro too if you like the Mulato Islano.
Much smaller pods but tastey as the Mulato Islanos.
I guess it depends on your use...
I grew some of these last year... they are simply another cultivar of poblano peppers.... great producers and they go very well in some alfredo pasta!!!!!!!!
I believe the shu is only around 1000 physical size is 3 in across the top and up to 6 in long, they are good for stuffing or as mentioned above to make a powder and mix in a rub!
Well horse shit I guess I got a bit carried away and over watered my biggest one it was growing like crazy and I found it toppled over and broke off at the base! Lame