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Mushroom Compost

Has anyone on here ever tried Mushroom Compost?
I normally use cow manure and a mix of miracle grow potting soil when planting my pepper plants, however this season I used the mushroom compost instead of the manure. So far I'm seeing excellent results with the plants growth rate, over 5 inches in less than three weeks, and they seem to be all around a more sturdy/healthy plant than I've had over the past few years. The flowers also seem to be larger than I've had before, so my hope is that maybe the pods will also be larger.
Maybe it's just a freak of nature, but my guess is that the mushroom compost must have something to do with it.
We've been using mushroom compost in our potting mixes for a while now. It has a great consistency (friable) and doesn't have any weed seeds or the salts that usually come with composted manures. Great stuff!
No, but I've used mushrooms. :twisted:

I've actually taken failed grain balls of the fungus and broken it up, placed it in the ground, and a week later planted a plant over it. They thing got vary large, very fast.
imaguitargod said:
No, but I've used mushrooms. ::)

I've actually taken failed grain balls of the fungus and broken it up, placed it in the ground, and a week later planted a plant over it. They thing got vary large, very fast.

I used to do the same when I grew mushrooms(gourmet mostly);) .

I use mushroom compost most every year and its good quality stuff as long as they don't use heavy pesticides.

Here's some cool looking Enokitake mushrooms I grew a few years ago.
WoooHooo!! Spread between 3 different plants, I have 7 pods about 1/2 inch long. These were just flowers last Saturday! This mushroom compost is like viagra for the soil!
Pam said:
Most big box stores carry it. I see it at Lowe's all the time.

Yep! Exactly. I bought it at Home Depot. I don't remember what I paid for the 25lb bag, but I do remember that it cost twice as much as the same size bag of poop, however, WELL worth the extra few bucks. The website on the bag is smithgarden.com..I didn't see the mushroom compost on their site.