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My 2011 grow list

I cant wait for them to get a bit bigger - past the seedling stage. I'm always nervous when they are that small...

2x Chocolate habs - so far one sprouted
2x Red Savina - one sprouted so far
2x Gambia Reds - one sprouted
2x White habs - zero sprouted
3x Orange hab - planted earlier - already a foot tall
2x Mustard hab - one sprouted
2x Fatalii - zero sprouted
2x Red Datil - one sprouted
2x Yellow Datil - one sprouted
2x Dorset Naga - both sprouted
4x Naga Morich - two sprouted
6x Bhut Jolokia - two sprouted, two waiting and two planted earlier about 4" tall.
2x Naga Mirch (I guess its same or similar to bhut or morich) - 1 sprouted
6x 7 Pod Jonah - four sprouted
4x Trinidad Scorpion - all sprouted
2x Red Rocoto - one sprouted
2x Yellow Rocoto - zero sprouted
2x Bonda Ma Jacques - both sprouted
2x Purple Serrano - both sprouted
1x Banana pepper - 8" tall already

I also have two large overwintered Bondas which are in 5 gallon containers. They are not doing too well but will survive.

I'll post some pics in a few weeks. Whatever doesnt sprout, I will replace with more Bhuts or Naga Morich because I really like them plus they dry easy and I actually find them to be among the easiest peppers to grow.
looks like this list will keep you busy all summer, other than seranno, i am surprised you didn't include something like kung pao but then again, plants like that are readily availably come may at any big box store. i tend to have a soft spot in my heart when it comes to kung pao. i see them by the container full in the box stores and priced at .99 cents and can never resist buying 1 or 2.
Ya this year I decided I was not going to grow anything with sane heat levels :) The only reason the serrano and banana pepper are in my list is because my parents like spicy but not crazy hot so I will give them fresh peppers now and then.

I must say though that one of my favorite peppers for daily consumption is the standard long cayenne but you can get them in stores (as you suggested) so I skipped growing them. I'm really excited about the Rocoto because I've never tasted them before. I hear they can be tricky to grow as well
LOL thanks :) Last year I had a total of 45 plants in my back yard in 3-5 gallon containers but I made the mistake of trying to overwinter some of them. Too much work. I will however try and overwinter the Rocotos and nothing else this year. I'll probably end up selling some and giving some to friends in the end of fall (for those that want to try overwintering one or two).

Duuuude monster effort
Nice list. :cool:

I haven't had any luck with white habaneros. I planted about 25 seeds from two sources three separate times, I got one sprout and it shriveled up and died. Aside from yellow 7 pod from THSC, which I got zero germination, I got at least 50% germination (~95% for most varieties) on about 50 dfferent varieties, but no white habs. Sucks because I was looking forward to those. :mope:
i like watching kung pao grow, it starts out as a nice large leaf plant, then you think it is just free loading because you are feeding it and its not doing anything, then all of a sudden bam!, out come these very pretty large umbrella like flowers, then bam!, as fast as they appear, the long beautiful fruit start to develop. just exciting to watch and not overly hot for stir fries, i always keep goatsweed growing and though they are a very pretty plant, the fruit always remain true to form - killer hot.

i bought some locato, equivalent to rocoto and i haven't been able to get 1 to germinate, i did a trade with a member and got some rocoto rojo and 1 germinated, i am babying this plant and hope to stick it into my dwc soon. i know, once the nutrients hit it, it's going to explode, this year i am going to attempt to plant it outside in one of my special spots reserved for my tomatoes. but i am going to plant it in a coir container then insert it into the ground, so when i have to bring it inside, it will be easy to dig up and transplant. i don't think it will produce with my short season but i believe it will benefit from the outdoor growing experience. i know my italian parsley likes my special spots and grow gigantic.

last year my excitement was fatalii and all my plants had flower drop, they just wouldn't germinate. this year one of my fatalii has flowers but again they are dropping, 1 is delivering some very nice new foliage, 1 is just being stupid and 1 is in my dwc and is monster in size, so i hoping it will deliver at least 1 pod.

i miss the southern ontario growing season, i use to be able to grow anything from grapes to cherries and all fruit trees, even had a quinze plant that bared fruit. usually once a year, we visit the mother-in-law in port colborn and she lets me baby her tomatoes during our visit. i keep telling her i will plant some seedless grapes but have a hard time getting seeds....get it, seedless grapes...no seeds....(i have some merlot and cabernet sauvignon seeds from california that i grew(here in calgary) and the vines grew very long, unfortunately, it's just the wrong environment, if we were all 20 years younger i would have started the seeds in the port and on my yearly visit nurtured them, maybe some of my nephews in the london area can benefit from them)
Aside from yellow 7 pod from THSC, which I got zero germination
i got my yellow 7's from pepper lover, planted 2( 1 in rockwool, 1 in soil) and both are growing nicely. actually the soil one has started to hibernate but i am taking measures to fix that but the did germinate fast.
i got my yellow 7's from pepper lover, planted 2( 1 in rockwool, 1 in soil) and both are growing nicely. actually the soil one has started to hibernate but i am taking measures to fix that but the did germinate fast.

I did get another set of yellow 7s in the mail about a week ago, I put them in some potting mix and I'm crossing my fingers.

The first set of seeds I ordered from THSC that he shipped on December 10th finally showed up...3 months later. They were returned to sender because my genius mail carrier was returning all my mail to sender because he didn't think I lived here. They came last week with a marking on the package saying that it had been opened by Australian customs. Inside was a pamphlet from the Australian government about what can and can't be shipped into Australia, and another piece of paper saying that the letter was searched but nothing was removed. So apparently he sent them here, the mail carrier returned them, they got searched by Australian customs, then he sent them back to me again, and here they are 3 months later. Hopefully they weren't damaged getting sent back and forth all over the world, we'll see. :D