My best pepper plant...


...but it's not in my yard!
I plant a small garden at my uncle's house.  In it I planted two pepper plants.  One was an Orange Bell but I don't remember what the second was.
Well, I was away on vacation last week and had not been over to his house the previous week, so this week I go to find this beautiful plant.  It is loaded with blossoms, small pods and one large 3" pod.  But now I;d like to know which it is - Sandia or Lemon Drop (please tell me it is a Lemon Drop, please).





That's a lemon drop. You can tell it's a c. baccatum because the flowers have the green spots on the petals. 

I love lemon drops, they're always so productive & they taste great.
Outstanding - thanks guys!  It is a strong, healthy plant. 
Mike - you know how I am looking forward to trying the Lemon Drops and as one pod is about 3" it looks like it won't be long!
that's usually how it works, leave your plants with someone who knows nothing about peppers for 2 weeks, you worry hourly, then get back and they are doing better than ever.
i think member willard sums things up in his "what's wrong with my plants?" script, with the last item being "too much attention", if you haven't seen willard3's script just pm him, i have used the script at least......daily!
you will find out if they are lemon drops soon enough and i hope it is what you are looking for.
good job on the plants!
IMHO....Lemon Drops make great salsa, goes well on chicken and fish.  
They are also wonderful added to fresh fruits and make very tasty fruit jam/jelly.
No wonder they are the national favorite of Peru ! 
Last fall I just tossed some of my potted peppers into an unheated garage to let remaining green peppers ripen.
All lost most of the foliage and to my surprise 1/2 of the plants survived, showing new leaf buds in April.
My lemon drop replaced it's foliage, so I repotted in new soil. I use weak solutions of low N, high P, K fert. + Epsom salt. It went into a blossom binge, I've had my first harvest and am looking for a long season!  Bottom line -- if you have a Lemon Drop, see if you can pot it up overwinter it at the end of the season.