-My biggest harvest of the season

  The temperatures are getting real dismal  and my greenhouse/cold frame isn't going to be able to keep the plants warm at night. I decided to pick all of my scotch bonnets last night. I have been real excited to give these a try since I planted the seeds in February. From 5 plants I picked a total of 363 pods weighing in at 14.4lbs total! Most of them are still green with a few just starting to change color. I put them in a very large brown paper bag and will be watching everyday to see if they will ripen. I had intended to dig the plants up and put them in pails until they ripened the pods. The weight of the peppers was causing the branches to break off the main stock of the plants, while I was trying to transplant.  I gave up after trying the second plant and decided to harvest the pods.
 There were a few pods that were ripe or very close to ripe. I cut open the ripest pod for a look and took my first bite. I was expecting it to be similar heat to a habanero, but there was absolutely zero heat at all. It just tasted like a red pepper. I knew that the shape could vary in the bonnets, so I was hoping that this is all that I was dealing with, when I first started to see pods form this summer. I hope that other pods will come up with heat, but I have a feeling that these were either cross pollinated or miss labeled when the seeds were packaged. Either way I will have a lot of pods to make stuff with. I just hope they ripen in the paper bag.



BlackFatalii said:
Those look more like baccatums than Scotch Bonnets to me. Maybe Bishop's Crown. I think you got some mislabeled seeds.
My thoughts exactly on the bishops. I'm growing 6 plants this year and they look just like my bishops.
I definitely believe that you guys are correct. I searched Bishops Crown pepper and they look exactly like the peppers I have. So my next question is what do you guys do with these peppers? I was thinking maybe pickling a bunch. Guess I have to try for real scotch bonnets next season. One thing for sure is that they were a good producer.
shaggs2riches said:
I definitely believe that you guys are correct. I searched Bishops Crown pepper and they look exactly like the peppers I have. So my next question is what do you guys do with these peppers? I was thinking maybe pickling a bunch. Guess I have to try for real scotch bonnets next season.
They are great eating fresh by themselves or in a salad. Also I dry some and make powder out of them that non chili heads really like. And I make sauce out of them as well. One thing about the sauce is the peppers really shine and you don't need any additional fruit or sweetener of any kind as the peppers have all you need.
Well, Bishop's Crowns are usually fairly sweet with a low burn, so I'm thinking they might also be good in a jelly or a pepper relish. You can find recipes for those on this site. 
shaggs2riches said:
Guess I have to try for real scotch bonnets next season. 
Check out the selection of bonnets at Buckeye https://www.buckeyepepper.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=bonnet  Midwestchileheads https://id3527.securedata.net/midwestchileheads.com/merchantmanager/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=bonnet&mmsid=8d9027c6cca91b832c356c46d60caea5&x=0&y=11 and Whitehotpeppers https://www.whitehotpeppers.com/search?page=1&q=scotch+bonnet All of these vendors have a good reputation and are members here. So you can be confident you will be getting real bonnet seeds for next year.
shaggs2riches said:
I definitely believe that you guys are correct. I searched Bishops Crown pepper and they look exactly like the peppers I have. So my next question is what do you guys do with these peppers? I was thinking maybe pickling a bunch. Guess I have to try for real scotch bonnets next season. One thing for sure is that they were a good producer.
eat em ' up !       :onfire:
What do you guys think the chances of them actually ripening in the paper bag? I know I had decent success doing that last fall with habanero peppers. I am going to taste a green one to see if I like the taste of them to start using some of them right away.
I have 2 plants of bishops crown and boy these babies take a long time to ripen on the plant. Your right they are fairly good producers.
I noticed most of the time when peppers are picked unripe, they may have brown or black seeds, so you may want to remove them once you open them.
I hope most ripen for you.
I didn't have any bananas to put in there, but I did have a couple big red apples for them. I hope that it helps out. The cold weather is coming on faster than the last three years. It's totally not uncommon for us to be under a few inches of snow by now and see -15 degrees Celsius. I dug up a few plants that I could justify bringing in the house and put them in front of our South Facing Glass Patio door. This weekend they will be moved to the basement under my t5 lighting setup. With any luck some of the blossoms of my Chocolate habaneros will actually produce a pepper or two. Still not sure if I will try to keep them all through the winter though. It's dissapointing to see the end of the season. But I am definitely looking forward to next season, with how much more prepared I am going to be.
BlackFatalii said:
Well, Bishop's Crowns are usually fairly sweet with a low burn, so I'm thinking they might also be good in a jelly or a pepper relish. You can find recipes for those on this site. 
Check out the selection of bonnets at Buckeye https://www.buckeyepepper.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=bonnet  Midwestchileheads https://id3527.securedata.net/midwestchileheads.com/merchantmanager/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=bonnet&mmsid=8d9027c6cca91b832c356c46d60caea5&x=0&y=11 and Whitehotpeppers https://www.whitehotpeppers.com/search?page=1&q=scotch+bonnet All of these vendors have a good reputation and are members here. So you can be confident you will be getting real bonnet seeds for next year.
There's also Juanitos Peppers, another member here, with seeds direct from CARDI.> http://juanitospeppers.com/product/scotch-bonnet-moa-3751625
shaggs2riches said:
I definitely believe that you guys are correct. I searched Bishops Crown pepper and they look exactly like the peppers I have. So my next question is what do you guys do with these peppers? I was thinking maybe pickling a bunch. Guess I have to try for real scotch bonnets next season. One thing for sure is that they were a good producer.
If you want bonnets PM me your address and I send you some seed more than happy to send an early Christmas card