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My Ebay Butch T Blunder Buy

And all along I knew the picture of the peppers in the Ad were not Butch T peppers.
It just hirts to know I bought it just to see for myself.
A newbie mistake or just curious to learn a lesson.
Ah, I even payed $9.95 for 1 plant.
Don't laugh please.

Anyways....What is it?

Am new at this super hot pepper growing this year. Only second year.
So this spring I wanted to find me a few of these types of plants to grow and it just seemed Ebay was a quick way to get them.
I really didn't know about all the companies that sold hot peppers, let alone knew there were so many people who were into growing them.
I bought this plant from the same seller that I bought Ghost Pepper plants from last year. They actually did pretty well. So thought just buy more off them.
And now I know. Probably should have done some searching around for plants but as I said, I really didn't know there was so many people out there into peppers.
Guess we all kinda make mistakes when were new at something. But I know now.
Learned quite a bit here off these forums. Getting all ready for next year. Hopefully it will be better than this year.
Heck, I might just save some seeds from some of those cayenne pods and grow some more next year, just to remind me of my blunder. hehe
Ah, and I looked up the Ad and I really paid $9.99.
We all live and learn. I grew 90% from seed this year and the 10 or so plants I bought live, well 5 of them are not what they were labeled and they are from a huge farm in PA which is awesome. I also have some very interesting crosses from saved seeds from last year. In the end, if I can enjoy what I grow that is all that matters, I do have a business but I give away more than I sell and I am fine with that.
Karmalie. On ebay sells legit plants. I got 7 pod red and yellow TS. Grew true. But +1 armac. Lots of people here provide real deal. Time to time you get crosses. But those crosses are hella better at times