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cloning My first clone

I snapped a small jalapeno branch when we were moving due to the flood earlier this year. I figured I might try cloning just to see if I could do it in case I really need to sometime. My last few half-hearted attempts failed, or I got bored with them before anything happened. Either way, this one actually took off. All I did was remove the big leaves and buds, strip back a couple of inches of the outer layer of the stem and water it in with some rooting hormone powder. I kept it in the shade and made sure it didn't dry out for too long. And here it is:



Looks good. I just tried that with a plant that had some lower branches growing into the dirt. I didn't use any hormone and didn't strip back the bottom so I may pull it out of the dirt and strip and put it back. How long did it take to get roots?
I'm trying to remember if it broke when we moved out or back in. I'll have to look that up. It's going to be either 4/5 or 5/5. I noticed rooting (by up-ending the cup) about 3 weeks ago and it didn't take long after that to start growing out the bottom. Let's call it about 2 months growth in that pic, and I'll let you know if I find the original pic when I started it.
2 months wow. Just trying to see if it would be faster to grow a cutting or to grow from a seed. Seems like 2 months would make it faster to start over from a seed to me. I think I had that size plant in a month of growth.
Yes I am a girl lizard. I realize the lack of external genitalia makes it difficult to tell.
Perhaps I should get my nails done before I take closeups next time?
caroltlw said:
Perhaps I should get my nails done before I take closeups next time?

Nah, I just might have thought you were a bit...odd...but now that I know the proper gender, I still don't think your clone looks anything like you :lol:
I've successfully grown a chilli plant from cuttings by simply wrapping a couple of cuttings in a wet rag, no hormones or nutrients. A few weeks later I planted 2 into one 20 litre paint tin which hadn't even been cleaned out and filled with plain old dirt from the garden. Never used a drop of fertilizer, never cut them back after summer and they survived the winter outdoors to kick on again the following year. It eventually died because I stopped watering it. Mother nature is smarter than us...
I tried the water and hormone in a jar routine and it seemed not to do anything. Maybe being able to see how slow it happens is a bad thing for me. I've stuck a broken branch in dirt before and it stayed alive as long as I kept it watered ... but I grew tired of the thing after a while.

Anyway, it is a slow process. I figure 6 weeks until it has the root growth you'd expect to see on a new seedling. It would come in handy for saving a damaged plant (or 10) or keeping a pure F1 hybrid strain going. I think I'll do this with my Greekapeno.

It might also be good, with a large enough piece, to get fruit set early in the season from an over-winter. I was getting new buds forming on the one pictured above and had to pluck them off so as not to stress the baby.
LGHT said:
2 months wow. Just trying to see if it would be faster to grow a cutting or to grow from a seed. Seems like 2 months would make it faster to start over from a seed to me. I think I had that size plant in a month of growth.

The benefit of cloning is you know the genetics of what you are getting. If it was an extraordinary producer, the pods the color and shape you want etc. or like Carol said, reproducing an f1.