My first ripe Lemon Drop


Well, here is my long awaited (and now departed) first Lemon Drop:


This pepper was sooooo good!  So fresh and crunchy.  Loved the flavor and just the right amount of heat for me to really enjoy.   This pepper was sooooo good!  I was going to eat a little and dice the rest in some sauteed veggies for lunch tomorrow, but....this pepper was sooooo good...I just ate it all!
My Lemon Drop plants are packed with pods.  In a couple weeks I guess I'll have them ripe by the dozens.
And you know what?  I think ...those peppers will be soooo good!
Sorry for the unfettered enthusiasm but I really enjoyed that pepper after this long season of anticipation!
They really are wonderful peppers. Nice!!!
In fact, I`ve yet to eat a baccatum that wasn`t really good!
:dance: :woohoo:  Awesome dude... Been wanting to grow those as well, most likely have to get some seeds for the future grows...
After a year of disappointment due to an unhealthy plant, this year I've seen the light on these too.  Tasty little snackers, but where they really shine is in ceviche-type preparations; something about that _baccatum_ flavor combines *just* right with lime juice.
I've got a mystery _baccatum_ that produces pods that look exactly like aji limon, but a deeper orange color like an aji amarillo.  I think it might be an aji pineapple, but the flavor isn't very different from the aji limon, so who knows.