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seeds My first seedlings and couple questions....

Here's some of my first seedlings. Concerned that they look a little yellow. I've only fed em some MG at 1/4 strength so far. Comments? Do they need more MG?


Secondly, I have a Manzano (and more in the wings)....looks like some marginal yellow on first leafs. Comments? What does it need? TIA

they don't need anything, let them grow. just water here and there, the yellow is probably too much water

This ^

Remember the finger rule: "stick your finger in the soil up to your second knuckle, if you still feel dampness don't water."
Not only does over watering choke the roots, but it washes out all the good stuff!

MG (not my favorite) can be a little hard on young plants. I don't want to start an argument with a MG fan, but I feel like there are many other cost effective ways to feed your plants. We all have our own preferences, but I feel it necessary to push organic, as that is what works best for me.
I can give you a load of Organic tips if you want. just PM me, if not no worries.
I learnt the hard way that adding loads of stuff too early on is a really bad idea!
If you look at my glog, you'll see i had all sorts of 'newbie' problems, with yellowing leaves / dropping leaves etc and the culprit was cheap potting mix! As soon as i replanted in decent mix, all my troubles went away!
Yours are looking good so far though, :)
thanks for the comments. I'm learning to let the soil dry up before adding water now. Got em in more sun and lookin better to me now.

When should they be fed again? I'm assuming feed again when they need to be watered? Or every other watering they should be fed? I'll be using MG til they are potted up to 3 gallon pots then plan on tryin out some Compost Teas.
they dont need to be fed just yet. I normally feed them when they are about a month old

if you want to feed them, feed them every other watering, with 1/100 recommended dosage.