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My first venture into hot peppers..

Or any plan for that matter. lol.
Last year i got some seeds from the mother in law. Ones that came out of some peppers she had got from an unknown source.
I gave some to a friend whos family has a green house and he was kind enough to start them for me.
He gave me a couple, i planted them in some soil i had (i think it was just a tropical plant soil blend). They went about growing, started to flower, But then a funny thing happened. Alot of the flowers would drop off. On the 2 trees i have only 2 flowers turned to fruit.. and recently one of those fell of. along with this the leaves on the taller of the 2 plants started to yellow and fall off.
After some reading on the internet i gave them a touch (less then a teaspoon) each of bone meal. and that seemed to make them grow taller and faster, But did nothing for the amount of flowers or yellowing of leaves.
I also recently gave them a spritzing of water and epson salts (another thing i found on the internets)..
Pretty sure ive also over watered the taller plant as well.. lol.. So i pretty much put them through the ringer. haha..
Now what i need is to start doing things right.lol.
Any advice??
here are a couple pics
And thanks in advance for any help provided.



another question. would it be to late to switch up the soil??
Or even to move the smaller plant into a larger pot (the small one is all i had when it came time to plant them in pots.)

Thanks again
you can pot up at any time. the plants are in need of calcium and spray for mites the badly deformed leaves are from mites Let the soil dry out put your finger in soil 1" down when dry water again peppers do better with less water.
definatly let the saoil almost completly dry out to the point where the leaves wilt and document the time inbetween and then you have your watering schedule and adjust with the weather. i would say let the saoil dry out and then water with a fertilizer that contains micro nutrients such as folaige pro 9-3-6. the flower drop could be from too much water.
mites eh.. hmm.. good to know.. for some reason i thought the 2 plants were different kinds. I'll certainly be looking into some formulas for the mites.lol.

As far as calcium goes, Bone meal a good source? I thought that's what it was for. and have added already. Maybe i need more?

The fingering the soil is a good method i have not thought of as well. I usually just looked at the top and touched it.. If it was dry i gave it a shot of water.

And i honestly didn't even think about the fertilizer part of it all.. makes sense though. lol.

ahh so much to learn.