My Habanero Experiment

I've been reading allot on this forum and decided on my own experiment. The smaller plant just lost all its flowers and nodes against its will  :shocked: . The plant in back was left all its blooms and nodes. The one in the front has always been the little runt of the two. So I'm excited to see who is the better plant come August/September. Any bets on which one will the better producer and healthier plant ?


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I'm thinking the runt will pack her bags and hobble over to the neighbors yard. She'll send you hate mail and slander you in the press now that you empossed manditory birth control.

Actually, she is going to grow bigger and stronger and end up being the better mother in the long run.
My bet is the one you left will have a stronger yield. Sometimes a runt will continue to be a runt no matter what ya do. Now, even plants, that may be a different story.
Last year my hab was a tiny little 6 inch runt ALL SUMMER LONG, then in September / October grew about a foot taller and spit out pods faster than I could use them.  But I'm laying bets on the big guy
Hard to overcome a bad start--the little one might bounce back over the summer with all that encouragement you just gave it, but not enough time to outproduce the biggie that already has a head start. So I would say the larger one. It has nature on its side as well ;)
I planted them in my above ground box. There are over a hundred flowers on each plant. This is the second crop from each plant.


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