Sometimes, I end up with a pepper in distress. Maybe from over- or underwatering, earlier an aphid infestation, other times from a transplant that didn't work ideally. For the plants that I really want to save, I have a section of my "garden" set up as an ICU.

It's in the germinator/incubator where the temp stays at 90 degrees. I use a 20 watt, 2700K CFL light that sits directly over them. Perhaps it is luck, but so far all seven plants that I have tried to save have flourished, usually after spending only 4-7 days in the ICU. Obviously, I have to water them daily or every other day but to see a plant go from brown with just a leaf or two to green with 4-6 leaves.

I don't have an ICU, but I do know the feeling of nursing a few back to health. I love watching them revive. Sometimes I feel it's a bigger miracle having them revive than just watching seeds pop up.

I have one still trying. I don't know what happened to it, but leaves just kept falling off and it was turning yellow. It was down to 1 leaf. I watched it a little carefully, checked it more often, etc. It's now got a few baby leaves and is perking up.
i have a little plant nursury where the plants live when they're babies, the room stays a lot warmer then the rest of the house when the door is closed (which is important cuz my room temperature of choice is 15c...)
i also have an icu but it's kind of unconventional... i have this big floor lamp with a big white lampshade and a 23 watt cfl and i prop the plant up right into the lampshade... i swear, i'm kind of happy i don't have a digital camera cuz if you guys saw my low-budget hodgepodge system you'd either laugh or cry for my plants... but they're all very happy...
GrumpyBear said:
i have a little plant nursury where the plants live when they're babies, the room stays a lot warmer then the rest of the house when the door is closed (which is important cuz my room temperature of choice is 15c...)


*makes note: Do not ever stay with GrampyBear.*

i also have an icu but it's kind of unconventional... i have this big floor lamp with a big white lampshade and a 23 watt cfl and i prop the plant up right into the lampshade... i swear, i'm kind of happy i don't have a digital camera cuz if you guys saw my low-budget hodgepodge system you'd either laugh or cry for my plants... but they're all very happy...

I think we all start out that way. I've had shop lights propped on cinder blocks or hanging from a hat rack before. I've started seeds in egg cartoons and film canisters, too. Ya works with what ya got!
GrumpyBear said:
i compromise for guests, i'll raise it all the way up to 18. they can wear sweaters... ;)

Oh dear, sorry about the mispeeling of your that you're being courteous and all.