My naga plant

whats wrong with it? it is in a 12" square pot with Miracle-grow potting soil. a lot of the branches are wilted lookng but some of the leaves are brown almost look like something was eating tthem.
I hade 1 small pepper turn red quickly but it was soft and almost rotten...
My guess is too much water, the soil never dries out. I've watered the 11 other plants, different varietys, multiple times without watering this one and still the soil is moist...


any ideas?

First, welcome to The Hot Pepper!

Now, on to the pepper...

How does the pot drain? Could the drain holes have becomes plugged?

Could you maybe step back and give us a picture of the whole plant? Some of the leaves on top look curled, and that could be some insect damage, but it's such a wad of leaves, it's difficult to tell. It does look like you have a lot of pods, I can see about six in that little bit of the plant.
Looks OK to me as well. No plant outdoors is ever perfect. I also use M-g soil. Excellent drainage (which is why I use it), but I supplement it with a little Ironite and fish emulsion. I'm going to have "Bhuts" coming out my ears in a few weeks.
Too much H2O? Possibly. My plants did that less and less the bigger they got so it could very well point out some overwatering. They seem to be more sensitive to that than my Aji Panca, Fataili's or chocolate habs.
Now if my Fatali would just start fruiting, I would call this a very successful season to date.