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My neighbor's Moruga experience

I was telling my next door neighbor about my peppers yesterday - she's not into spicy food but she said her husband would be. So earlier today I brought him to see my garden. He's the type who likes habanero heat so he saw the morugas growing and wanted one. I still haven't even tried the morugas or reapers yet but some were at full size and just starting to change color (still mostly green) so I gave him a full size one. I did tell him that they they were one of the world's hottest peppers before I picked it. He asked me "Even hotter than habanero?" and I was like hell yeah - way way hotter. So I suggested he try a small piece first and make sure to wash his hands and all that. But he's says no problem, he eats hot stuff all the time and he would use the whole thing in his stew. So a couple of hours later he calls me and says he tried to bite the fresh pepper and all he could say is that thing was hot. I'll try to get some more details from him later but at the moment he wasn't in a talkative mood. On the bright side, he didn't sound in extreme pain and he still said he'd use the rest of it in the stew. I did warn him so I don't feel bad. In fact I had a good laugh about it. :P I'm waiting for them to change color a little more so me and a friend and my other neighbor can try them for the first time. I can't wait - the hottest I've had so far was the yellow ghost last summer.
Yes those things are killer, I don't see how so many of you folks can eat a whole one a still talk to describe the flavor, iI can just moan and swear.
I'm up to a whole Bhut sliced up in a sammich on a regular basis.
Don't think I'm willing to do that with a TS Moruga.
Those things are evil. :fireball:
With the yellow ghost, me and my friend split it in half and ate it fresh. I'm glad I tried it, but I don't think we'll be doing that with the moruga - we'll probably eat a small slice fresh and use the rest of them dehydrated or in sauces. He did make a great hot sauce out of many of the ghosts which had bananas and peaches among other things. This year I'll try making a superhot garlic mustard, mango and/or pineapple salsa, and sweet pickled peppers.
Anyway, I feel that I should be a good neighbor and at least match whatever the guy next door did to himself yesterday. But it doesn't sound like he made it to the chewing and swallowing point of that moruga. :dance: I'm so excited to try it, especially because I get to initiate my other neighbor into our chilehead gang.
Eat about a quarter of one.  I've done it a couple times when cutting them up to dehydrate or go into the sauce.  Whack out a quarter from up high, get some placenta and seed so you get the whole deal.
Having done this a couple times there is no way I'd eat a whole one.
Oddly, I experienced no belly pain, nor discomfort the next morning.  Just a few hiccupps right after I ate it.