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my next steps :)

Now that I have pretty much seen where I have been making mistakes and where I can improve, I need you advice on two things. First, what is the best potting mix to get for these pepper seeds. I have been using a cheap brand called KGrow and I am not that satisfied with it. Second, Would it be a good idea to put the plants out in my portrait window as soon as they sprout or would it be too harsh on them? Thx again guys for all your help.

Pro mix Bx is best and yes you can put them in direct sun once sprouted. Just make sure it's bright enough and is long enough to prevent leggy plants. A light might be a better idea.
first question: a good starting mix is very important. Of the ones I have used, I would recommend the Jiffy Mix that is sold at lowes, home depot, etc. ( also under the name Ferry Morse, same company), Pro-Mix is great but more expensive, and coco coir works pretty good as well. It is inexpensive, but contains almost nutrients. Not a problem if they will not be in there long. The best I have tried though is the Pro-Mix. I got the Ultimate seed starting mix from Greenhouse megastore for like $12 for 16 qts. I started 4 72 cell trays and still have some left.


Second question: Window light should not be too strong as the window will filter some of it out. However, it may not be enough light to keep the seedlings from getting leggy. Additional light may be necessary if possible. Just keep an eye on moisture.

Good luck!
Im thinking about buying one of these.. For chili's of course. What do you think?

There are many good quality growing mixes out there. I usually use a soilless peat pased medium like pro-mix, fafard, sunshine or Lambert, or I make my own similar mix in a cement mixer

Stealth chiles?
I would recommend pro-mix if you can find it in your area. I also use MG potting mix which is pretty good and will also feed your plants for up to six months.
I have also started seeds in the MG potting mix with the 6 months ferts without any problems. But my preference is pro-mix when i can find it.
Related question of my own that will obviously be of help to the OP:

Where can one buy this Pro Mix BX? Is it available at the chain type stores i.e. Lowe's, Home Depot, etc.? Which ones?
Most likely will not find it in Lowes or the like. Most likely have to go to a nursery to buy it. Just have to call around to see if it is available in your area. I can not find it here even though there is a wholesale distributor here. Other good ones though are Fafard's and Fertilome although around here, a 2.8 loose packed CF of Fafard's is about the same price as some are finding the 3.8 CF compressed bales of Promix.

Good luck!
I found Pro Mix at Menards, but it didnt say BX on it. I have been using Ferti-Lome for awhile now and love it. Almost no bark/twigs in it. It is kinda pricey though, if you need alot, buy the big bag, its alot cheaper than the small bags (3 small bags equal 1 big bag, 1 small is 10 bucks and 1 big is 20 bucks, you do the math)...