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My One Overwintered Pepper Plant :)

It's doing the best of any I ever tried. Probably due to a VERY unusually warm winter so far. Flowering like mad by a picture window. It's my NOT Black Naga - Mean Red Cross with Spiked Pods. Let's hope the luck continues and it's a healthy 2nd year plant. No aphid attack either 'yet.' :)

It was literally cut to a stump in early November 2011.


looking good. I have a few i cut way back since we had a light frost a week ago... it's amazing just how fast they push out new growth...
good deal Chris...keep an eye out for nasties (as you know)...
Awesome Chris... I have some of those seeds from you. Looking forward to seeing them grow. Good luck on the overwinter. I aborted mine due to mites.
Ah, the not black naga, that was a good looking pepper. I've germinated a handful of the black nagas and am wondering how they'll turn out too.