My OW are dying

the growth we see on these plants... its not new?
id say that they look ok... for old plants kept indoors without light? but perhaps they are loosing foliage? idk you need to elaborate imho. 
  Yes Is new growth . They have  enough light. Main stem dies  from top to bottom and part of new growth is affected. I,ve been cut dead parts but still advancing. I have some rocotos  under the same conditions  and are OK
thats a lovely looking plant.
yea id have to agree with pfeffer here... do you have some more intense source of light? like a 40 watt cfl? might not be a bad idea to give em some nitrogen as well... presumably theyve not been feed in a while?
ive only seen stems dye back like that on plants that have been repeatedly exposed to freezing temps.
     What are temps like in your house? Peppers need warm temps to keep going, regardless of other factors. If it gets too cold for their liking, they stop growing. And when plants stop growing, they start dying - in this case, they succumb to root rot.
     My wife and I are frugal (stingy) with the heat in winter and I think that's the main reason I lose some of my OWs every year. I've noticed that the plants that I put closer to windows usually fare worse than those kept in warmer areas. My chinenses seem to put up with cool temps better than annuums and baccatums. I've never grown pubescens before, but from what I've heard, I think they put up with cool temps better than others. That seems to jibe with what you're seeing.
     If the plants mean a lot to you, it might be worthwhile to put a heating mat under their pots to keep their roots warm. 