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My pepper leaves have brown and torn edges and holes

I transplanted my seedlings 2 weeks ago into these into cups with my own mix of soil (1/3 peat moss, 1/3 different composts, 1/3 vermiculite). I've fed them with a nute mix of (1tsp botanicare pro grow + 1.5tsp liquid karma + 1/2 cal-mag per gallon).

I also foliar spray with a kelp mix.

My grow lights are close to the leaves maybe, 6 inches off. Maybe its the heat? The smaller seedlings are like 4 inches and they don't exhibit this problem.

Also there are NO insects.

The super chilli's have the same feeding schedule and setup and they are doing awesome. No problems with the leaves.

Any ideas?

Habanero, holes in leaves

Trinidad Scorp, curled, jagged / torn edges on leaves

Naga Morich, curls and yellowing

Naga Morich, leaves have brown edges
i don't know for sure but check for pH and overwatering?

what light source is being used?

are you beating them with the fan blast?

maybe a root bound condition?

edited for more possible things to check for?
Looks and sounds like nutrient burn to me judging by what you've given them and the brown leaf tips...

You should check the pH too imo. Peat has a low pH, I've seen numbers from 3.5-4.5 for it, so your mix may be too acidic. Commercial potting mixes have the pH adjusted to closer to neutral.

The super chilis may not seem to be affected because they're bred to grow very well and very easily. The less engineered varieties can be a lot more sensitive and finicky.

How often are you watering them?
i don't know for sure but check for pH and overwatering?

I will get a hanna ph meter and test PH. I don't think watering is an issue

what light source is being used?

GE Aquarium and Plant Flourescent lights - T12 4foot @ 1900 lumens each. I have 4 of them lighting the plants

are you beating them with the fan blast?

Ah, that must be the issue of the tear's, yes, i'm beating the heck out of them with full blast fans, so they are rough and tough for the outdoors. I'll tone it down.

maybe a root bound condition?

nope, its not root bound yet.
Looks and sounds like nutrient burn to me judging by what you've given them and the brown leaf tips...

Maybe the compost and nutes are burning them. Should i tone down the nute concentration to 1/2 strength or even less?

How often are you watering them?
I'm watering them every 4 days or so. Should it be less often?
yup fertilizer burns... u can't use full strength of the dilution as those are just seedlings. need to dilute them further. 1/4 of what is directed by the product and mixing products can be dangerous to the plant as all of the got different n:p:k levels and u are adding its nutrient strength so difficult to gauge the dilution needed.
yeap, what ^ he said. Fert burn. Flush the plants out with alot of water and then stop fertilizing it for a while.
If you're using T12 Aquarium lights at 6 inches then it's definitely not heat from the light. Those do not burn hot at all, the leaves could even be touching the bulb and it wouldn't burn them. You should be fine with the light only 2-3 inches from them.

Looks and sounds like nutrient burn to me judging by what you've given them and the brown leaf tips...

Maybe the compost and nutes are burning them. Should i tone down the nute concentration to 1/2 strength or even less?

1/2 strength is still pretty strong for chile seedlings imo, even for ones that don't have compost mixed in already. It's very easy to burn seedlings, they don't need very much nutrients.

If I were you I would flush them out. Pour several times the volume of the pots through them to get most of the nutes out. The compost will still be there but I think they should be ok with just that. I wouldn't give them anything until you pot them up, the compost is plenty.

May not do that much good if the pH is way off though. Cheap pH meters don't seem to work very well. I've looked at the Hannah ones on amazon.com and they have pretty poor reviews. You could pick up a pH strip test kit for soil at a local garden center for fairly cheap, it might work better than a cheap pH meter. Unless you're wanting to shell out some money on a quality pH meter (probably $50-60+) it might be a better option.

How often are you watering them?
I'm watering them every 4 days or so. Should it be less often?

Depends on how quickly they dry out. Just lift up the cups and feel the weight, you should be able to figure out when they need water based on the weight. Mine need watered about every 6 days, but it varies. How is the drainage in the cups?

Good luck, hope you get the issue worked out.