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My peppers plants are melting ...

Starting about a month ago, my plants' leaves were curling. I added ferts, epsom, calmag back then. I water daily, once at 6am and once at 8pm for 5 minutes using a automated drip system on my raised bed. The weather also has been over 100's past few weeks too.

After the wind storm past few days, they got a pretty bad beating. I added epsom salts by sprinkling the soil. I also changed the time length of watering to 3 mins at 6am and 8pm.

Looking at them after work today, they are loosing TONS of leaves. The leaves are becoming yellow and frail, and as soon as i touch them they fall off. Its horrible.

Am i just over watering them, or over fertilizing? Too much epsom? Even if i loose so many leaves, will i have pods? I was waiting for the weather to cool down to start getting lots of pods. Now i'm afraid i won't. Will this leaf loss affect the core plant. I am planning to overwinter them.

Here are some pics:

Raised bed pics




5 gallon pots
I had a bit of the same a few weeks ago after 110 plus days. They perked right back up once the weather dropped to the 90s.
My plants do the yellowing thing towards the end of the season. Just a few odd leaves here and there in random spots on the plant. I associate it with the temps cooling off. Not sure what is causing yours to yellow but mine look exactly the same and it just takes a light touch and they're off.
Been there this year with high temps... i've pruned some of the worst looking yellow leafs and now that temps have dropped i see fresh green growth again so be patient and dont overdo with ferts/water.

Good luck
