• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

my pics from Iowa

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       I want to thank everone in the HP for all your advice and knowlege in growing peppers.I also want to thank the weatherman who has kept it in the 80's with lows in the 60's all summer.We only have had a couple days in the 90's and thats not common.Now I have to decide what I am going to do with all the pods.Maybe I will send some to Nigel.He knows whats up.From top to bottom[moruga][orange habs][7-pot][ghost choco][moruga yellow][trinidad]
        Thanks Jamison,this is my first year growing superhots.I have alot to learn,i am putting in raised garden beds next year.Wont have to water as much I think.I am lucky as I have not had to use bug killer,lots of tiny bees,and other good bugs around the plants.