My plant's biggest fan.....

So, I know it's always best to have a fan blowing on plants growing indoors to help strengthen the cell walls escpecially on the stem. I've started running the fan for about 1 hour a day (as of today).

What's the best amount of time each day to do this? I really don't want to run the fan 24/7.....I have enough problems sleeping as it is without the fan noise keeping me up (my rigs in my room).
IGG, I run my fan an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening...
you know i agree with the usage of a fan for many a reason. but i haven't used and and i got some crazy thick stems.. i want to see your stems in that ocean forest with a fan so i can see what i missed out on igg :D
IGG, here's my 2-cents...I usually run a fan twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. Both time for about 1 hour, which is easy since the fan is on a timer.
I run a fan 24/7 where I can but I have lots of grow areas and only so many fans. I just got another new fan yesterday for the greenhouse.
teh purple penguins said:
i want to see your stems in that ocean forest with a fan so i can see what i missed out on igg :D

Well, it's going to be another two weeks probably before I have to pot up some of the peppers. At which point I'm going to go out and buy the ocean's floor (or the other one...not sure which one I'll get yet).