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My Red Caribbean Habanero did great this year as well

This is also from Pepper Joe's seeds and this did fantastic this year.
Last year it had 1/4 the peppers it does this season.

yep, those are consistent with caribbean reds; they are one of my favourite peppers - not a hab, not a bonnet but something in between. i love bonnets, i love habs and i love the "something in betweens".
Certainly look like some large pods! They + or - heat level of orange? Don't think I've tried one of those.
I've grown some of PepperJoe's Caribbean Red peppers the past 2 years and agree, great flavor and heat level!
I ask because mine looks similar and am wondering why they curl like that, is it a deficiency or is that just the way the plant is?

And I love me some Caribbean Reds, easily one of my favorites
I ask because mine looks similar and am wondering why they curl like that, is it a deficiency or is that just the way the plant is?

I am not sure what causes it but considering the output of the plant it obviously isn't affecting anything but it's looks. ;)
I have only given it compost tea and a couple of waterings with Earth Juice Bloom.

Carvin have you read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson?

No I haven't armac. Is it good?
Had to do a quick paper on DDT and its effects, this book was mentioned numerous times. Picked up the book to read. Seemed like something you may have read.

Just thought I would ask ask you. Should be done reading it ina week or so.
The Caribbean Red is one of the best medium heat saucing peppers...

Medium heat? They are only a few notches down from the Ghost in my opinion. :shocked:

I liked the way I grew things this year as well.
If I had leaf curl, yellowish/green leaves, some aphids, etc. I just kept spraying each week with compost tea and let them be.
No chemicals, no neem, BT, nothing. Seems to have payed off as this plant, the Golden Hab and the Fatalii (all Pepper Joe's seeds) produced fantastic.
It would be nice to learn how to grow them like this AND have dark green, lush foliage like they did while under fluorescent lights as seedlings though.
But that is what gardening and amateur horticulturists and botanists strive for right? ;)
Medium heat? They are only a few notches down from the Ghost in my opinion. :shocked:

I liked the way I grew things this year as well.
If I had leaf curl, yellowish/green leaves, some aphids, etc. I just kept spraying each week with compost tea and let them be.
No chemicals, no neem, BT, nothing. Seems to have payed off as this plant, the Golden Hab and the Fatalii (all Pepper Joe's seeds) produced fantastic.
It would be nice to learn how to grow them like this AND have dark green, lush foliage like they did while under fluorescent lights as seedlings though.
But that is what gardening and amateur horticulturists and botanists strive for right? ;)

Ok, ....they do have some nice heat and flav. Thats why I grow them and sauce them. Its the kind of heat most folks can threshold .
Well lets just say they're comparable to the ...(Traynor, Vox, Fender)............not the Marshall............................

When growing in pots it helps to add compost in the bottom of the pot and top off with a layer of such through the season. Valuable minerals and elements are easily washed out of the container with daily waterings or heavy acidic rains. An easy greenup is to spray diluted epsom salts with a misting bottle every other week........the whole plant from top to bottom. Larger containers also make a world of difference.
Good luck with the rest of your grow...

Greg, I fed it compost tea weekly in the soil and foliar so it got it's compost in that form which is even more beneficial than putting it in the pot.
so here's a noob question:
Is compost tea the same as compost?
Or does compost tea add the beneficial microorganisms to break down the compost in the pot making full use of the "stuff" that is present in good compost?
so here's a noob question:
Is compost tea the same as compost?
Or does compost tea add the beneficial microorganisms to break down the compost in the pot making full use of the "stuff" that is present in good compost?

They both contain the same bacteria if the tea is brewed from the same compost, but the AACT (Actively Aerated Compost Tea) has more beneficial bacteria as it has been aerated for 24-48 hrs and the bacteria have been fed a simple sugar (molasses) to increase the bacteria numbers.