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My Sad Little Plant

Every Time The Sun Comes out This little Super Hot plat Goes all Depressed Im not Sure Why, When It Gets Dark It Jumps Back up, This Only Started Happening After I Transplanted it To The Ground.

Did you harden you plant off before transplanting? You need to set it out for a day in the pot for one hour, next day, 2 hours, and so on increasing the time outside for around a week or two. That way it slowly gets used to the sun. Just wait a week or two, it may spring back up. Also the really curled up leaves could be a sign of over fertilizing or insects.
Yea ive been trying to fight the Curl but seems like nothing is doing the job i havent fertilized it in about a month and the only bugs are flies due to the poop from my ducks
Putting up some temporary shade around it might help some -- looks like it might not have had time to adjust to the environment it is in and needs some time to adjust. Put something around it to give it some shade for the hottest part of the day to give it time to spread it's roots out a bit in the new soil and adjust and it should come back.
I don't have a problem transplanting. Are you under-watering? Also, yeah, I hate the birds. Keept eating my watermelon seedlings!!! :mad:
I keep the soil moist for that plant and mulched it, o really hope i hardens up, its sad to see my sad plant

Give it some love, serenade it...lol...kidding aside, how long ago did you move them outdoors?...Maybe the mulch is keeping them to moist. Maybe when you water them thinking they need it because they looks dry, theyre probably drowning underneath...Maybe.
I had the same problem for about a week, but the little guys just fixed themselves. I am wondering if the plants are starving for nutrients in your case. I do know that the organic stuff I put in the ground is slow to begin decomposition and therefore slow to provide vital nutrients. I gave my plants a shot in the arm with a one-time miracle grow feeding, then organics the remainder. I also used foliar spray every 3-5 days and have since backed off to once every 1 1/2 weeks. I am not that experienced, so someone else may shoot down my advice, but it seemed to work well for me.
i just noticed my fatali doing this... but it as super hot outside for the last two days... i figured it was the suns... my tomatoes also look like fail/aids...
transplant shock has been a problem for me as well. When I dug up my stunted plants, I found they had poor roots that hadn't grown into the surrounding soil. I just threw a few of them out, but there were a couple (habs) that I re-potted into 4-inch pots, got them back to looking decent after a couple of weeks outside in partial shade, and now they're out in the dirt again for a second go. It's been a week and so far so good. So this would be what I suggest doing.