My Super Hots finally changing color..

They reached their full size weeks ago and finally, the first one started turning red.. They are either some kind of reaper hybrid or Trinidad Morgua Scirpion. They grew from seeds that were supposed to be reapers.
Definitely some kind of superhots..


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The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
You might read this thread first.> Too hot for me
I doubt that 2 superhots will make it too spicy for me.. I have an extreme high tolerance.. My picture is on a lot of restaurant walls who have hot food challenges.. I signed plenty of waivers also.. About 2 years ago, my wife mad salsa with about 10 Bhut Jolokia, 10 habaneros and a bunch of serranos. However, there were like 2 tomatoes also which cooled things down a little.. Still, the salsa was SUUUUUPER HOT but I finished it.. She ended up adding more tomatoes to half of the salsa and made one for herself as mine was way too hot for her. So far, I have not found any food that was too hot for me. My favorite Food is Thai and anywhere I go, I asked for the hottest that they have. The only Restaurant I found that made it hot enough to upset my stomach was a Thai place near downtown Orlando.. I did finish the food but I had stomach cramps for 2 hours. I did not vomit but had some violent burps... I actually had to sign a waiver for that level of heat but they didn't even take my pic for finishing it..
BTW, the best salsa I have ever had was with a bunch of Chocolate Habaneros.. I loved the flavor that the Chocolate Habanero added to the food..
I have been into eating spicy for years but only got into growing a year ago.. My first attempt didn't work out too well where I only got 3 plants from about 100 seeds from all types of plants.. My current attempt is yielding great results as I followed a co-workers instructions who has been growing for a very long time..
Salsa is in process right now.. The smell is so aggressive that my wife has a hard time breathing it.. Looks like the peppers are truly super hots..  I think that my guess that they are Trinidad Moruga Scorpions was dead on.. The pod size and shape are very consistent with it as is the apparent heat level.. Can't wait to try the salsa.. I know that when she made a salsa with 10 Ghosts, the smell was not as intense as this one..
OK, just tried the salsa. The heat level is pretty high but acceptable. I'd say that the salsa ended up about 40000 - 50000 SHU. The taste is a little bit like the taste of the St. Augustine Datil pepper which belongs to the Habanero family. 