My sweet wife took it upon herself to get me cups to grow my sprouts in......paper cups.

I knew they were less than ideal, but I figured that they would be OK for a month or so 'til I pot up.

HOLY HELL!:shocked:

You have never seen a 32 year old white man run so damn fast to the grocery for plastic cups.....:mouthonfire:

After 2 weeks, spots of mold on the outside of the cup. Lesson learned.

The really crappy thing is that I had just potted another 16 or so plants into the paper cups from the egg cartons....:rolleyes:

All is Ok now, I just hope no harmful fungus has made it in. Need to water with chamomoile and cinnamon!
awe, and the worst is she thought she was helping... this is also why i stopped using peat pots. hopefully you caught it early enough so it didn't get a good foothold...
That is why when I ask my wife to get me something, I tell her exactly what I want (usually just go myself and get it) and she has learned, if they don't have what I want, don't substitute anything...honestly, she is a good gal and is learning to live with my idiosyncrasies
Yeah, thing is I didn't even ask her, she just did it to be sweet. That's why I could hardly point out that it wasn't what I wanted.
GrumpyBear said:
awe, and the worst is she thought she was helping... this is also why i stopped using peat pots. hopefully you caught it early enough so it didn't get a good foothold...
I used peat pots for a few seedlings last year, never ever again.
Not a peat pot fan either. Still have to peel the pot off when planting, I know they say you can leave them in it, but I think if they are left on it will hinder plant growth. I think it would be easier for roots to grow through loose soil then compressed peat. Plus..the plastic cups I'm using are much cheaper...and with a dip diluted bleach water..can be used again. for your wife buying paper cups...sounds like you need to give her some lessons in gardening. LOL
Oh no! I've got most of my babies in peat pots! (My pet hate is washing plant pots!) I spray with chamomile once a week though.....
My wife is an avid gardener, starting pepper seeds 4 months before the first frost does not fall into most people's def of gardening. For that matter, it was my fault not to think better of them. Lesson learned!
Biscombe said:
Oh no! I've got most of my babies in peat pots! (My pet hate is washing plant pots!) I spray with chamomile once a week though.....

Peat pots work fine, they just have to be managed a little differently. I switched to plastic cups mostly because when I have to leave a pepper plant in the pots longer than I had planned, the peat pots tend to disintegrate.
I haven't tried it yet, but apparently the perfect starting mix is 40% coco (for adsorption), 40% perlite (for drainage) and 20% humus (for soil qualities and nutrients). It won't decompose, and will have enough nutrients until transplant.
Sounds reasonable, just that I don't really have any experience with coco. I'm more of a soil person.
i'm using coco this year, i did most in just coco then i did a couple in the same potting mix i used last year then i did a couple coco/compost/sand mixes and while coco alone kicks soils butt (although it's a pain to worry about the nutrients), that coco mix works like crazy. that's the mix i'll be using for the big pots (and coco's pretty cheap...)
plus you get to feel good about yourself for using a renewable resource while improving the terms of trade for the global south.