My Wild C. Lanceolatum

Masher said:
Looks nice..what makes it wild?  Species or self sprouted?
While I can't speak for WiriWiri/Sandy, my opinion is wilds are exactly that, any pepper that grows wild and is difficult to acquire as it's rare and difficult to source. Besides Sandy's C. lanceolatum above there's also below among others:
Capsicum baccatum var. umbilicatum
Capsicum cardenasii
Capsicum chacoense
Capsicum eximium
Capsicum flexuosum
Capsicum galapagoense
Capsicum rhomboideum
Capsicum schottianum 
Capsicum tovarii
Dan,the C. Lanceolatum as NECM  wrote belongs to the Wild Species &  as are those on the list he provided.Some more info., can be found at
The seeds take many weeks to germinate,so much patience ,fresh seeds& luck are what's prime to their G&D   IMHO ;)
This particular one  has no heat & the taste is bitterish..Its a pretty plant with interesting leaves, which I can't say of most Pepper  Plants I grow LOL,mine is still with some green peppers so as soon as they all ripen,I will trim the plant & let it rest for a while..I have a smaller one along with some cuttings that rooted that I planted,& I will try for a bonsai..I copied this photo from fatalli to show what one looks like,me thinks it's so nice,not pepper-likeish :P...I mean the beautiful.
The Guatemala Expedition of the scientist Paul C. Standley from 1938 to 1939 provides the most comprehensive description of C. lanceolatum and the habitats where plants of the species were found. The plant was very close to extinction (It actually was thought to be extinct) until the rediscovery of this species in 1991 more then 50 years later under the lead of Paul W. Bosland who organized another expedition to Guatemala. All of Standley described habitats were visited. A resettlement of C. lanceolatum could, after an investigation of the locations, not be established.
The above HX.was copied from the fatalli site which has more & should this**spark**your interest in the "Wild Species"  ..let me know down the line,I can help you with some lance seeds...Wilds fascinate me,some are more difficult than others to get going/growing,but that that's part of the beauty/challenge of the WWW :cool:                  Sandy
Hi Sandy, that is some very cool history on wilds  ;)
Thanks for the info on fatalii site..that's a new one to me....time to go do some more reading and drooling  :surprised:
For those looking for additional info., on germination etc.  I find that FATALII.NET is a great site.
Of course you do get much  at THP but it never hurts to scout around & see  with what could/would work for you.
I know that Dan agrees! :)