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Mystery Flea Market Pepper.

I bought this about a year ago at the flea market from a nice Thai lady who said that it was "a very spicy Thai pepper plant" I knew it wasn't a Thai pepper but I really liked the way the plant looked and wanted to eventually bonsai it. It has been fruiting almost non stop since I got it. I live in what I believe to be USDA zone 10b. I'm guessing it is a frutescens because the fruits are upright. The flowers are nothing special, just white. The pepper isn't all that spicy, my estimates are 3,000 - 5,000 SHU. It has only gotten to be 12"-18" tall, but has been in a container.

The peppers when new and still small are a purple/black, then turn green, then to red.

its an annum species and could be black pearl?, but the leaves are very green as opposed to them having more black in them
it also could be west Virginia pea?, there are a few species that look like this so its tough to say

hope this helps some

thanks your friend Joe
I don't think its the black pearl, I have never seen any black or even dark spots on the leaves at all. never heard of the virginia pea, I'll have to check that out. Thanks!
Why couldn't it be a Thai chile? Thailand does have a bigger diversity of chilis than what you may think. It is quite possible it was brought to the U.S. by her, a family member, or a friend. It may not be a common market variety there, or match what many of us think a chile from Thailand should look like (Have we gone to every back yard and small market in Thailand?), but that doesn't mean it isn't from Thailand! I do agree that it looks annuum.
Why couldn't it be a Thai chile? Thailand does have a bigger diversity of chilis than what you may think. It is quite possible it was brought to the U.S. by her, a family member, or a friend. It may not be a common market variety there, or match what many of us think a chile from Thailand should look like (Have we gone to every back yard and small market in Thailand?), but that doesn't mean it isn't from Thailand! I do agree that it looks annuum.
Sangria ornamental is a hybrid and has a blood line from what i can gather from Thailand , im still wondering if it has heat or not if it has no heat then its either Sangria or chilly chili and they are both Annum

thanks your friend Joe
interesting little plant, most of the Thai peppers cultivated wild that I have seen are mostly the C. frutescens and some C. chinense that share some of the same traits, but as the world opens up more introductions of various species are happening, so I expect that anything is possible.
These were from either Hong Kong,Thailand,S.Korea or China.
S. Korea or Thailand is my guess?
IF I remember right they were bought at a street market type thing equal to our swap meets or farmers markets.
But I get oldtimers disease at times...LOL

I lost the hard drive with the info...


Don't have a clue as to what they are-ornamental.Looks like a green to yellow( then probably orange) to red pod from the pic.
Most any pod with a lot of sun can get black or purple overtones in my experiences.
Haven't grown these out yet.
It look the most like the one you have in the link.

Maybe I should've clarified a little better. By "Thai pepper" I was referring to the birds eye
It is very well possible that it is from Thailand or south east Asia