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Mystery hairy pepper plant!?

This plant came from the bag of mystery seeds I received from Peppermania. The actual seed was black. The plant took a while to get going and now is taking off. Its more fuzzy/hairy than any other pepper plant I have growing. Any ideas on what it is?:crazy:



Top view. Closer. More Fuzz.
After doing a bit of research it looks like its a Pubescens type. Maybe Rocoto? Next time I'll look before hand. Lol!
mikey, i got one of those mystery packs with the black seeds also! thanks for the clues, i'll be watching yours to see what develops and if mine is the same. Aren't surprises fun?
Yep, probably a rocoto or a manzano. They come in many colors, green ripening to red is common, most of the ones I come across here are usually orange or yellow.
the leaves look like those on my rocoto.. i'll post some pics for you a bit later on so you can compare :D
Aren't the rocoto or manzano the only peppers with black seeds? I just made pork carnitas yesterday with a manzano from a local mercado. Saved the seeds and will try growing one.