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Mystery peppers found at German-Turkish Market

Hello from Berlin! I came across these peppers at the local outdoor Turkish market, next to some peppers advertised "jalapenos" (but you never know over here) and were simply labeled as "Aci (scharf?)" which basically is a combination of Turkish and German words meaning spicy pepper. Anyways, I would appreciate some help IDing them if possible, as we plan to use them and would just like a proper label.
The pepper: 4 to 6 cm, thin skin, sharp pepper smell, even more pungent when sliced open. Very hot, much much hotter than habaneros. After eating about a mm slice: The burn is slower to kick in, hits the front of the tongue first then builds up over the next 30 seconds, and stays really hot for about 3-6 minutes, and keeps a spicy feeling that you might briefly get from eating a really ripe jalapeno on the lips for about 10 to 15 minutes. Easily 2 to 3 times hotter than what I'm used to in a habanero, and I am most likely underestimating. I generally can tolerate really, really spicy food, make my own hot sauce out of habaneros, can bite into a whole habanero without any dilemma, no milk required. But these had me running for something to drink at the market within minutes, and really felt like a punch in the mouth, and stayed hot going down my throat.
Images: http://imgur.com/a/4mrPZ
Any thoughts?
DaQatz said:
Looks a lot like Carolina reaper, or maybe a scorpion.
I am skeptical of it being a reaper because its Germany, and the reaper is so famous right now that I wouldn't think it would just come into the hands of Turkish wholesaler by accident and also the tail looks a bit short? These were also only 10 euros/kg (about $5/lb). Maybe I'm wrong? Someone else on another site said it looked like 7 Pot (maybe bubblegum, which has come through Germany before). The Bhut Jolokia that you can get in Europe have the classic ghost chili look and usually are longer here.
Yeah it has more stinger then I normally see in a reaper. But it's not quiet right for scorpion, or a brain. Being that I have seen reapers like these it was a best guess.
But as Hawaiianero said, it's probably a cross and not "one" of these types.
So our nieghborhood chili expert (Crazy Bastard Sauce owner) took a look at the photo and said they are likely some variant or an actual strain of Scorpions or Reapers (most likely scorpions). To his knowledge there is only one farm in Europe that grows 7 pots so they are very unlikely to go through a random wholesaler like these. 