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Mystery Super?

it could be 007 jonah, chocolate scorpion, or infinity.


theghostpepperstore said:
Based on my the shapes of my Jonahs and Infinities, I would say it is chocolate scorp. My jonahs are smoother and tapered towards the tip. My infinities are blunt and a much lighter green color when unripe.
Just my 2c, I haven't grown the chocolate scorp so I may just be talking out my rear.
im thinking so too.
GnomeGrown said:
Gnarly looking pod, Pex.
thank you! theres PLENTY more where that came from
Pretty mean looking pod, I would go with the Chocolate Scorpion also, I haven't grown the Jonahs yet and My infinities haven't podded up,  but they do look like my Chocolate Scorpions pods that I have.
Doesn't look like a Jonah,but EVERYTHING has been re named these days,original this or that,improved strain,long etc.
All are crosses or whatever.
I have what is supposed to be Butch T's that look like your pic growing outside now.

I've grown Butch T's(not called that back then) from 2006 seeds (from Butch)that never looked like what they are sold as now.
He sent me 7 pot Jonahs and Scorpion Jonahs at the time.Sent a LOT of the seeds out to a LOT of people.
Butch grows a lot of nasty stuff.
He has a tallent for getting the most out of whatever he grows at any given time.

Too much renaming and little time is spent on checking out stability of stuff,especially super hots these days.

Call it Pex's super 7 or Pex's scorpion.

Doesn't make a difference,If it's hot it will sell...

Nobody cares anymore,Being cool growing nasty looking pods is all that matters these days.
The nastier looking and hotter the better.

$ rules,ask a few other vendors that hawk crap seeds these days and laugh on their way to the bank and insult anyone who doesn't like the product they were sold by said vendor.
Nothing like a threat of being sued by the guy you bought seeds from when your chinense was grown out to be an Annuum and you complained.
smokemaster said:
Doesn't look like a Jonah,but EVERYTHING has been re named these days,original this or that,improved strain,long etc.
All are crosses or whatever.
I have what is supposed to be Butch T's that look like your pic growing outside now.

I've grown Butch T's(not called that back then) from 2006 seeds (from Butch)that never looked like what they are sold as now.
He sent me 7 pot Jonahs and Scorpion Jonahs at the time.Sent a LOT of the seeds out to a LOT of people.
Butch grows a lot of nasty stuff.
He has a tallent for getting the most out of whatever he grows at any given time.

Too much renaming and little time is spent on checking out stability of stuff,especially super hots these days.

Call it Pex's super 7 or Pex's scorpion.

Doesn't make a difference,If it's hot it will sell...

Nobody cares anymore,Being cool growing nasty looking pods is all that matters these days.
The nastier looking and hotter the better.

$ rules,ask a few other vendors that hawk crap seeds these days and laugh on their way to the bank and insult anyone who doesn't like the product they were sold by said vendor.
Nothing like a threat of being sued by the guy you bought seeds from when your chinense was grown out to be an Annuum and you complained.
Couldn't have been said better myself. Some of my seeds didn't grow true but the pods are just gnarly and hot as hell. I'm like hell yeah! I was given some peach bhuts and i planted there seeds and they have stingers on them and look like the jays ghost scorps. Haven't had a ripe on yet but I'm digging it.