superhots Naga Claw

Just watched the Hulu series on chilies.

In the show the UK chiliqueen eats about 40 superhots when she loses her ability to use her hands. In the show this is called Naga Claw.

Has anyone heard about this? I myself have not.

Can this really happen? and do we call it Naga Claw?
Never heard of this but never heard of someone eating 40 supers in one sitting either. Could "Naga claw" be cramps in the arms or something?
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Can this really happen? and do we call it Naga Claw?
cramps. Some explanations from her website:
The contests are debilitating. They cause more pain than you can imagine. I start to dread each one days in advance and begin to suffer quite early on (usually from round 3) in each competition. The pain and panic builds up especially in between rounds when the hosts are introducing the chillies and cracking jokes with the audience. It is pure torture waiting in between rounds as the burn is viciously building up. Your lips, mouth, and throat feel like they are on fire; face muscles start to twitch involuntarily; and hands shake uncontrollably. You suffer from shivers, chills, shakes, and violent body tremors followed by muscle spasms, cramps, and heartburn. At times, your hands seize up and you experience what is called ‘naga claw’ – when that happens to me, I have to get a friend from my support crowd to hold the chilli for me and feed it to me. The worst thing I find is the way my eardrums feel like they are about to explode. The chillies do affect all individuals differently. Sometimes the pain is so extreme that I can’t even stand up straight afterwards. Some contestants, who have never experienced this kind of chilli-induced pain before, feel like they are having a heart attack and that can be quite scary.
in this contest video we can see the naga claw at 8:00

BTW I haven't heard about it before now, but I know hunan hand syndrome:
Hunan hand syndrome (also known as "chili burn") is a temporary, but very painful, cutaneous condition that commonly afflicts those who handle, prepare, or cook with fresh or roasted chili peppers. It was first described in an eponymous case report in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1981. It occurs when the phytochemical capsaicin, which can be present in very high concentrations in certain varieties of chili peppers, (especially with superhot peppers such as ghost peppers or carolina reapers) contacts cutaneous free nerve endings which are present in high density in finger tips. This triggers the release of substance P, which in turn causes a sensation of intense burning pain. Various treatments for Hunan Hand have been described, including soaking the affected fingers in lidocaine; milk or vinegar; or the use of local nerve blocks, gabapentin, or topical corticosteroids. Hunan hand can be prevented by wearing rubber gloves when handling chili peppers.
IIRC my pepper guru lonewolf experienced it, it lasts a very long time.

It's not the same, but a superhot almost made me hallucinate, so I guess they can do those things too 🤣
i found these two things too.

problem i'm having is i have not found a reference no naga claw besides the UK chilli queen.
Hunan Hand syndrome would be more logical when you get chili on your hands. The naga claw seems to appear just by eating.

so im a bit at a loss if Naga claw is a thing, and if we call it that.
Hunan hand syndrome i.m.o is something else.
Hunan hand is burning from handling peppers, naga claw is a hand cramp from ingesting cap.