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video Naga pwnage video

I thought I'd share a video. This is one of my online gaming friends that thought he could eat a Naga no sweat, so I sent him one and asked him to video it. LOL, it didn't take long before he was dumping sugar and putting ice cubes in his mouth. :lol: The video got edited for smaller size but most of the good parts were captured from what I'm told. I think he deleted the crying and screaming for help:)

I got a call from him about an hour after eating it, he was panicking because the pain in his stomach was still very bad, he said it felt like a rat was in his gut chewing it's way out:P:P

I like the last scene, cold cloth on the head, sacked out n the sofa, with his loyal dog at his side.
Pepp3rFreak said:
I got a call from him about an hour after eating it, he was panicking because the pain in his stomach was still very bad, he said it felt like a rat was in his gut chewing it's way out:P:P


I got 2 of those monsters from you.

I would definitely be pwned by the Naga. I'm WAY too chicken to attempt it.
They will go into a "special reserve" sauce tonite :hell:
Awww, come on Sky, your a Big dude with more muscles then an oceanside resturant, don't tell me you can't handle at least one Naga! :onfire: :hell:

lol, they are pretty hot, I've only been able to eat three of them so far in one sitting. Soon though, I hope to be able to dry them and snort them for the quick effect! :hell: j/k of course. hmm, or am I?
Hehe, MAN did that thing seem hot...bet he got one hell of an endorphin rush though =P

Was your friend a chilihead, or was that his first really hot food?

(I wonder what all the hype's about - how much heat can be packed into one of those peppers from hell? =P)

Pepp3rFreak said:
Awww, come on Sky, your a Big dude with more muscles then an oceanside resturant, don't tell me you can't handle at least one Naga! :lol: :lol:

Capsaicin doesnt seem to be impressed with muscle ;)

You ate 3 of those in a sitting?!? Damn, and I was impressed watching you eat a red savina like an apple.

I added those 2 naga's you gave me into about a pint of the new caribbean red sauce, which was already quite hot to begin with. One tiny drop lit up my whole mouth and throat, and the spot it first touched my tongue feels like its got tattoo needles running over it 30 minutes later.

Its gonna get even hotter over the next couple days once the vinegar saturates everything better and all the flavors balance out.

Thats my "special reserve" :)
Trexxen said:
Hehe, MAN did that thing seem hot...bet he got one hell of an endorphin rush though =P

Was your friend a chilihead, or was that his first really hot food?

He got the endorhin rush for sure, and the next days burn as well:lol: He isn't a chilihead but likes spicy food, I don't think he was prepared and I'm actually glad he cheated and ate it with the pizza as the pepper alone would've problalby had him crying like a lil baby:P
Skyjerk said:
You ate 3 of those in a sitting?!? Damn, and I was impressed watching you eat a red savina like an apple.

I added those 2 naga's you gave me into about a pint of the new caribbean red sauce, which was already quite hot to begin with. One tiny drop lit up my whole mouth and throat, and the spot it first touched my tongue feels like its got tattoo needles running over it 30 minutes later.

Its gonna get even hotter over the next couple days once the vinegar saturates everything better and all the flavors balance out.

Thats my "special reserve" :(

Yup, my wife made me a salad but instead of my normal 3 carriben habs she put in 3 nagas. I think she was trying to take me out now that I got another new 100k life insurance policy last month:lol: I didn't realize it until after 2 or 3 bites and felt my head floating with endorphins and it hurting worse in mu gut then normal from peper burn. The nagas seem to do something chemically different with it's Capsaicin as it get's me lightheaded/stoned kinda more then anything else and even though I've got a gut from h3ll it still feels like a rat knawling on my stomach for an hour after eating it.:)

Dude your homeade sauce rox! I love the pineapple and i bet the Skyjerk Special Reserve is awesome!!!
Pepp3rFreak said:
The nagas seem to do something chemically different with it's Capsaicin as it get's me lightheaded/stoned kinda more then anything else and even though I've got a gut from h3ll it still feels like a rat knawling on my stomach for an hour after eating it.:P

Dude your homeade sauce rox! I love the pineapple and i bet the Skyjerk Special Reserve is awesome!!!

Then you would REALLY like the new sauce I made with your peppers.
I'm gonna shove some in the mail to ya. Its a lot hotter and tastier.
I'll have to send you a bigger bottle too. That little 5 oz puppy is just an apetizer to a head like you :cool:

I think you are right about the Naga's. The special reserve heats up in a very different way than the regular caribbean red sauce. Its slower to build and definitely provides a different kind of burn. Like needles pricking my tongue. Lasts longer too.
Hey Pepp3rFreak, enjoyed your videos tremendously... very impressive you can eat three of those. What's a good, authentic source for the Nagas? where did you get yours from?
Here's another Naga video that was taken yesterday. The cameraman was the guy that ate a Naga a few days ago. He convinced his friend to eat one before they hit some golfs balls. Needless to say, the Naga eater didn't hit any balls after words :lol::P

Ok, it was time for me to get in the fun and I happend to have found myself the hottest Naga I've grown to date yet for the camera:lol:


I'm new here, so I have a lot of catching up to do. But in reading about buying seed, I wanted to add that I get my Naga (Jolokia) seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company. Simply found it on a search but have been impressed. For $2, I got more than 50 seeds. The germination rate (once I planted them in potting soil instead of compost) was close to 100 percent.

I had two seedlings that were doing great (a bunch more in earlier stages) but my cat chewed the leaves off one.

wordwiz said:

I'm new here, so I have a lot of catching up to do. But in reading about buying seed, I wanted to add that I get my Naga (Jolokia) seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company. Simply found it on a search but have been impressed. For $2, I got more than 50 seeds. The germination rate (once I planted them in potting soil instead of compost) was close to 100 percent.

I had two seedlings that were doing great (a bunch more in earlier stages) but my cat chewed the leaves off one.


welcome Mike / wordwiz..

i just got some Naga Morich seeds from primo, and got allmost 100% germination myself. took about 7 days to come up...
anybody know the differnce between a naga morich & naga jolkia?..
Pepp3rFreak said:
Ok, it was time for me to get in the fun and I happend to have found myself the hottest Naga I've grown to date yet for the camera:lol:

haha yes give your friends the red ones..
does ice cream work well?
Pepp3rFreak said:
I got a call from him about an hour after eating it, he was panicking because the pain in his stomach was still very bad, he said it felt like a rat was in his gut chewing it's way out:P:P

Ok, I finally watched this one and I must call him a wimp. Although, I don't think he had any idea what he was getting himself into...which generally provide the most amussing videos. Good job mate!
Ok, I finally watched them all. Great stuff! I need to get my video online sometime.

Thanks for not sparing us the puke video, too funny...lol