Naga Viper naming questions

According to many sources, the Naga Viper has never been made stable.  However, seed have been around for years and lots of people like myself save seed based on best example of pod shape, taste, and other factors.  Thing is, if there are so many different examples fo pod shapes for this one that making the decision on what to keep and what to cull changes from seed saver to seed saver.

So what do you call a particular line which has taken on a particular shape over time?

Have the same question for other varieties.  Moruga is one of them, but for the most part you can lump its variations into a couple categories.  Naga Viper isn't so easy.  Do a google image search and oh my there are a lot of things people call naga viper.
heres what mine look like , not red yet but all the characteristics of some in the pics. of images .  if you look about half way down in the images ( google ) you'll see a pic says happy healing peppers .2nd. pic to the left is exactly what mine look like , matter of fact i see a few pics that look like them . some pics. are morugas, douglahs . but i see some vipers .
All those different things are naga viper. They should taste more or less the same, though they look different. Moruga is itself and a couple named variants, and maybe the same thing as the brain strain.
honestly the only person that knows what a viper should look and taste like is the one who created it. This applies to all the varieties that were cross bred. These are a few that still bother me brainstrain and  ts moruga.....they look identical!!! and i can't tell a difference with the taste. Aji lemon drop and Pineapple.....same as far as i'm concerned. Douglah and the brown 7.....whats the difference?  Yellow 7 and yellow brain....again they look damn similar. Would be cool to scientifically examine the genes of some of these to know for sure.

I always pictured the viper to be like the one in TB's youtube video where him and naga bob eat a couple. I believe those were sent to him by the creator and they look pretty unique. Very slender naga look.
FROG DOG said:
honestly the only person that knows what a viper should look and taste like is the one who created it.
I would agree except for the pepper being completely unstable when the seeds were initially released.  As an example, this link is to the creator's website.  There is a photo there.  You will notice it is missing much of the bumpy texture that Moruga Welder's peppers show.  As far as I know, the thing is still not stable.  So how do so many people have the version Moruga shared a photo of?  Well, the creator released it with more dna diversity than he currently has in the thing.  He refined it his way.  Growers here in the US refined it their way.  I think we here in the US love bumps.

Now for the Moruga, now that is a funny topic.  I agree that version looked much like brain strain, but if you remove the seeds and placenta the taste is noticeably different.  Also, my moruga have always tended to grow larger than my brain strain.  Some are the same, but the larger brain strains tend to be close to the smaller moruga.

Thing about the moruga is what someone commented somewhere in this forum.  He asked if anyone remembers when the moruga looked like the brain strain.  Wikipedia is the best side by side example of the change as it has photos of what I call type I moruga and type II moruga.  I am not saying either is correct.  Just observing that when people say Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, some are talking about the one kind and some are talking about the other.

My -guess- is that many of the photos of the Trinidad Moruga Scorpions are actually Trinidad Scorpions (not Moruga).  It is also my guess that is why Wikipedia shows both pod types and calls them all Trinidad Moruga Scorpions.  Again, not saying anyone is wrong.  Just offering a guess as to why there seems to be two types.  The guess being people make mistakes.

Anyway, here is the Naga Viper as the creator says it looks.

Naga Viper by the creator

Update: While trying to see who had some reaper pods ready for Pex, I found this at Buckeye.  Note, not only is this image of the naga viper completely different from either the one on the site of the guy who created it and different from the one posted by Moruga, but if you look at the pods in his photo, they are very different from each other. 

Not trashing on any of these folk, saying the Naga Viper seems to look entirely different from one photo to the next.  Probably one of the reasons folk say it is unstable.  Being unstable, can the creator really say what it looks like?  Heck, if the creator says the heat is not stable (see his site) and growers say it is unstable (see all the many pictures) what makes it a variety of pepper at all?  If it can have random taste and look, how is the thing a strain?

Confusing stuff this is.
