chinense Naga Yellow (Drax)


Hi, I was wondering if any of you have been growing Naga Yellow from Drax in Italy? He has taken down his website and is no longer active, but here is the information he once posted

My Yellow Naga. You will not find around this pepper, you will never find a pepper with a taste, a smell and a crunchiness like this. It is unique, it is my selection of Naga that I have been cultivating in my field for many years. Its uniqueness will remain so, secret. Excellent also from dry for the preparation of exceptional and fragrant spicy oils. I consider the seeds for your season as seeds for F3 generation plants. It may change due to the young age of the cross.

I only grew one plant last season, and fall in love! Here are some pictures, and text I posted on my Instagram page:



Italy seems to be a hotspot when it comes to new chili hybrids! There are so many great growers and breeders there, and @draxpeppers is one of them.

These Yellow Naga´s have been a favorite all season, and I can’t recommend them enough!

I'm not really sure if this is a pure Naga, or some type of cross. The flavor and aroma are very Naga ish, but everything else is different from all the other Naga / Bhut Jolokia varieties I have grown and tasted.

The fruits are big and thick-walled. Crunchy and juicy. The heat is really low for a Naga! A very pleasant low habanero burn that everybody can enjoy.

The taste is absolutely phenomenal! It has that Bhut Jolokia funky smell and taste that's hard to describe. Like most yellow chilies there are some citrusy notes here, but it's a really clean and delicate flavor without any sourness or bitterness. This one goes very well with just about anything. The low heat profile also makes this an incredibly useful chili in the kitchen.

The plant is a heavy producer here in my climate, but still, the fruits could have been a lot bigger if I had a better season.

The icing on the cake is this beautiful color! The pictures don’t give it justice.

I want to overwinter this plant, and probably start up some seeds for next season! A top 10 favorite amongst the 100+ varieties we grew this season 🙏
Hi Anders! I also grew them in 2020 (you can have a look here) and I agree with you; it's a very good yellow variety, hot but not too hot! Mine didn't have the correct shape and were lighter in color but that's part of the game being only at F3. According to Drax it's a selection made over the years so it remains unclear whether it's a cross with something or not...
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Looks like a nice pepper, lovely crisp yellow color!

I can still access Drax' web site. Nothing in the shop though...
I have a few F4 plants growing right now, and some clones of last year's Yellow Naga. I tried to overwinter mine and transplanted it from soil to Kratky. It went really well for a few months, and I had so many flowers and fruits on the way, and then....root-rot :/ Seems like I hadn't cleaned the roots well enough before putting them in Kratky. Next time I want to take a plant from soil to hydro I will just take a clone instead I think.
After all the great reviews, I was looking forward to growing these yellow Nagas. Waiting on Drax to open his shop then finding out he was taking a year off, I decided to get some from White Hot Peppers since I was getting a few varieties from him anyways. I have 4 plants going and look great. But was also interested in a few other varieties: Sumo DD and Hells Bent yellow. If any one here has these varieties and willing to spare a few seed, I can buy or trade. Let me know and Thank You.
After all the great reviews, I was looking forward to growing these yellow Nagas. Waiting on Drax to open his shop then finding out he was taking a year off, I decided to get some from White Hot Peppers since I was getting a few varieties from him anyways. I have 4 plants going and look great. But was also interested in a few other varieties: Sumo DD and Hells Bent yellow. If any one here has these varieties and willing to spare a few seed, I can buy or trade. Let me know and Thank You.
His catalogue varies from one year to another and not all varieties are coming back... I sow my remaining Sumo so should have next gen seeds next fall. I'm not 100% sure but I possibly have some Naga yellow seeds in stock; will have to check.
Thanks for your response Bou! Great to know you have this variety going. Have you grown this one before? What are your thoughts on it? I’ll check back with you later on in the season to see how things are going. Hope you have a great season !
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Thanks for your response Bou! Great to know you have this variety going. Have you grown this one before? What are your thoughts on it? I’ll check back with you later on in the season to see how things are going. Hope you have a great season !
First time I'm growing it (Sumo); got a pack of seeds (freebie) but I shared a few 🤷‍♂️
Anyone has plant / flowers shots of this one? From the pic and description it reminds me a baccatum.
I don't but if you are refering to the Naga yellow, the whole plant (leaves, flowers and growth habit) was chinense like.
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Here is one new Naga Yellow plant (so F4 now if I remember correctly).

Of all the plants I have grown, this is the one I miss the most having fresh supplies of :)

I agree with you Bou, it doesn't look like there are any baccatum in the mix. But it's what I imagine a dream mix of chinense and baccatum could have tasted like! it has some of that crunchiness and thick wall when you eat it :) Would love to know what magic Drax has done with this one!
Anders I've grown this one once:

Allegedly a chinense x baccatum cross, it's pretty awesome for both the tree-like growth and the flavor.
Too bad i've not viable seeds anymore, the original came from smokemaster.

Anders I've grown this one once:

Allegedly a chinense x baccatum cross, it's pretty awesome for both the tree-like growth and the flavor.
Too bad i've not viable seeds anymore, the original came from smokemaster.


That's a new one for me! Now I want to grow it :)
I see some vendors list it as an annuum, some as a chinense, and some as a baccatum x chinense :) From the pictures, it sure looks like there are some annuum in there as well.